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A member registered Sep 17, 2022

Recent community posts

"Just because the USSR had Stalin doesn't make them a Communist dictatorship"

Not if you like dictators I guess

"keep things where they belong"

Like keeping immigrant kids in cages where they belong you mean

Or like keeping rando Muslims in offshore torture camp you mean

So many authors in the world and you just have to defend the ones who are assholes

Are you sure being an asshole isn't part of their appeal for you

Have you tried reading an author who isn't some kind of an asshole

Or is being an asshole a requirement to greatness in your book

It's okay to be an absolute piece of shit if I make something a weird guy on the internet likes

I've figured out the secret of success

"Separate the art from the artist"

Like separating women and black people from their labor so men and white people can profit of it I guess

So I guess you are also a fan of Marquis de Sade

Renowned child rapist and serial killer

But he writes such good prose

Being a dead racist that people talk about is being erased

But being poor and dying in the streets isn't I guess

"we should erase from our lifes many of the most famous and praised authors"

Why not you erase authors and artists an others for being black or gay or female all the time

Or is it just because it's something you like

"Separate the art from the artist"

As in paying JK Rowling to hate on trans kids while claiming to care about human rights

Or colonizing and murdering and stealing from people with an armada

"Just because the Third Reich elected Adolf Hitler for president doesn't mean they're a fascist nation."

Sounds exactly like someone who neither know nor care about anything would say.

Have you tried counting the number of women in Lovecraft works that aren't either a witch or died horribly

Have you tried to read one of his stories at all on on Facebook
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