Kalikan is a vertically scrolling bullet hell 'shmup inspired by Dodonpachi- pushing the limits of ~virtual~ hardware . Control one of3 1 ship(s) featuring two varied attack modes . Maintain your chain to compete for the highest scores
NOTE: Kalikan is a work in progress . Things are subject to change- and your feedback is incredibly welcome . If you enjoy Kalikan and have something you watch added , edited , changed , or removed , let me know onTwitter if the site still exists
Kalikanfeatures GPS ( get point system ) scoring , for maximum points you will need tocombo enemy kills together into long chains which increase your score multiplier exponentially !
Additionally , medals can bechained together to multiply their value !
Will be taking a break from this project for a bit , but will likely come back eventually . In the meantime please direct any feedback to me ontwitter for as long as that site remains in existence .
I currently have the .p8 file available alongside a $5 donation . The source is minified but readable , please consider supporting this project as I do this for the love of it and would love to be able to work on things as often as possible . It's been a tough year ! Thank you regardless , hope you're having a generally good time !
Thanks for your support <3 - Louie
In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Is this the same game that you can get here for free: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=53315 ?
The level design is good, but I don't like how I have to start over from the very beginning of the game each time I lose; it becomes tedious to redo what I've already beaten just for another chance at what killed me. I'd appreciate the option to restart from checkpoints, even if it means taking fewer hits (or even just one hit) before being sent back. Would you be willing to add that option to your game?
wow. Great game. I love this kind of shmup game type. The bullet hell aspects were something i didn’t like at first, case i suck at bullet hells, but really actually enjoyed it. Didn’t get past the second boss though. Also would like some form of level up, like in galaga. Maybe like upgrading the ship’s weapons to shoot faster or deal more damage. Don’t know if you have the tokens though. How long is the game? Past the second boss?
The second boss is the final boss for now ! Thank you so much for your kind words , I'm so glad you enjoyed it <3
Maybe Kalikan can be your gateway into Dodonpachi >:) - re: levelups- I considered it , but honestly not super fond of those systems in shmups- I prefer the super stripped back ones with no power creeping , just happens to save on tokens too xDD
I usually suck at Bullet Hells and this game is no exception, but I'm loving it. And it is without a doubt one of the best Pico-8 games out there. Since Steam is my main launcher, I created some artwork for it that I'd like to share:
By the way, are you planning to add the 3rd currently unavailable plane?
You can easily add a non-Steam game to the Steam launcher and then assign the artworks to the empty placeholders.
It will look like this then:
(unfortunately, Steam doesn't record the playtime of non-Steam games)
I think your game would be a great addition to the Steam Shmup library.
Hope to see more from you in the future!
Really like the game, probably one of the best PICO-8 and schmup projects I've played in a bit. Love the designs of the ships and enemies, as well as the backdrop. I really like the variety of attacks and the simple controls. Backing up what Marty_DYR said, the yellow enemy fire can be hard to notice amongst the fire from the player so that may be something you may want to change?
Also did you make the music or did someone else, and do you know of any other music they have made?
Hi Louie - Bought it, played it, love it,photo-ed it.
One suggestion, if I may - the yellow enemy fire becomes a bit tricky to trace when amongst the player fire (in particular when they are the radial starburst patterns).
Potentially change colour or differentiate in another way to make those shots just a bit more visible?
Thanks again for this amazing game. :3
Thank you Marty ! That's something I'll have to really tweak around with because of the pico8 16 colours limit :( Currently the enemy shots flash and go much darker than the player shots which are always bright . But you're the second person with this complaint- so I'll definitely have to tweak something !
Thanks for the insta post ! Super appreciated <3
This has been one of the most complex pico8 projects I've made , there's a lot of token tricks in here to squeeze it all into just two carts . However , the actual gameplay itself is all pretty simple when you break it down into sections .
I wholeheartedly recommend checking out thebeginner andadvanced shmup tutorials by Krystian from the Lazy Devs Academy