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Lombard Occidental

Quel articul chì l'è scrivüü inLumbard, cun l'urtugrafiainsübrica ünificada.
La "A in del serc", un simbul anarchista

Anarchia (delgrech ἀναρχίαanarchía, senza Arcont (senza urdin, reguladur)) al pö vurè dì:

  • "Senza reguladur o uturità"[1]
  • "Assenza del guern; un stat senza legg duüü a l'assenza o l'ineficenza del pudè süprem; disurdin pulitigh."[2]
  • "Un stat de la sucietà che la gh'è minga una persona o un grüp de personn al guern, ma ogni om al gh'ha unalibertà assulüta (senza implicaziun de disurdin)"[3]
  • "Assenza o minga-recugnussiment d'un'uturità e urdin in d'una quaj sfera[4]


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  1. No rulership or enforced authorityDecentralism: Where It Came From--Where Is It Going?
  2. "anarchy.""Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder" Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2004. The first quoted usage is 1552
  3. "A social state in which there is no governing person or group of persons, but each individual has absoluteliberty (without the implication of disorder)" "anarchy." Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2004. The first quoted usage is 1850.
  4. "Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere." "anarchy." Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2004. The first quoted usage is 1667

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