Hello! I’m Jaqui, anarrative designer and 2D artist that loves experimenting with genre bending games and VNs.
✨You can check out my Plot Unblocking talk here for VNConf 2024!✨
In 2022, I won my first game jam with Shifty Witchy for the RPG Mania jam ^^
More recently, I won my first grant withBoyband Hell for the Qweerty Gamers Android Port Grant and we launched onGoogle Play!
💭 Fun facts
- I like making magical stories, and even built a community on TikTok doing it (@shiftystory) (+600k views)
- Fav chill games: Pikuniku, Va11-ha11-a, Coccoon, It Takes Two, Once Upon a Jester, Spiritfarer, To the Moon, Kirby Squeak Squad, Animal Crossing, and Monument Valley!
- Fav no-chill games: Diablo IV, Invertus, Portal 2, Spelltower (rush), Pistol Whip and Beat Saber
- I love sci-fi and fantasy stories: Murderbot, Witch Hat Atelier, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Reckoners series, Strange the Dreamer, and Hail Mary
Feel free to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn