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Edge-Computing AI for Medical Devices
Electronic medical devices can be implantables, wearables, and remote. These devices can collect varioius multimodal and multigrain bio-signals invasively or non-invasively. This large heterogeneous data from medical devices contains tremendous information that can be analyzed with artificial...
- Submission deadline
- 28 March 2025
Interruption of Amino Acids Supply as Anti-Tumor Strategy
The interruption of amino acids supply has emerged as a promising anti-tumor strategy, with research focusing on the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells. Depletion of essential amino acids necessary for tumor growth has shown potential in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and inducing cell...
- Submission deadline
- 31 December 2025
Photothermal Membranes for Water Treatment
This topical collection aims to showcase the latest developments in photothermal materials and their applications in solar-driven water treatment and desalination technologies. The journal will publish innovative research on the design, synthesis, and performance evaluation of various photothermal...
- Submission deadline
- 23 June 2025

Geographic differences in early-onset breast cancer incidence trends in the USA, 2001–2020, is it time for a geographic risk score?

Artificial Intelligence Review is a fully open access journal publishing state-of-the-art research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Pu...
- Journal Impact Factor
- 10.7 (2023)
- Downloads
- 2,882,104
Discover Sustainability is an open access journal publishing research across all fields relevant to sustainability. Indexed in Web of Science’s...
- Journal Impact Factor
- 2.4 (2023)
- Downloads
- 838,823
The Journal of Epidemiology and Global Healthis an international peer reviewed journal which aims to impact global epidemiology and international...
- Journal Impact Factor
- 3.8 (2023)
- Downloads
- 469,285

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