What is iThenticate?
iThenticate (https://www.ithenticate.com/) is a text similarity checking tool that compares documents (including journal article manuscripts, proposals, research reports, thesis, and dissertations, etc.) against millions of published works, subscription databases, and web pages.
Who can use iThenticate?
Caltech licenses iThenticate for use byFaculty, Post-Docs, and Graduate Students to use as a self-check on manuscript quality before submission. Users are granted access in order to upload and perform text analysis on one'sOWN DOCUMENTS ONLY.
How do I access iThenticate?
Eligible users may access iThenticate from theaccess.caltech site - look for the link under Research Services.
Important note: Caltech IMSS manages campus access to Ithenticate.
Where can I find more information?
Understanding Reports
Additional Information for Academic Customers
Accepted File Types
Please note that LaTeX is NOT currently accepted.
Accepted File Sizes
System Requirements and Security Settings
Please note that IE is no longer a supported browser as of Aug. 2020.