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Our Organization: Jobs & Opportunities

Jobs & Opportunities

two librarians look at something together at a reference desk

Library Positions

Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions. We thrive on finding and cultivating talented people who are passionate about what they do. Join us and be a part of the diverse Caltech community. VisitCaltech Careers to search for openings at the Library as well as other divisions and departments on campus.

Work Study Student Jobs 

There are no open positions at this time. The Library's needs for student staff can vary depending on the time of year. Please check again at the beginning of each term or keep an eye on ourStudent Positions page for more information.

Archives Volunteer Positions

Archives and Special Collections offers volunteer opportunities that involve working with historical collections. For more information on volunteering options for online and in-person projects, please email Mariella Soprano at

Caltech Library Diversity Statement

We recognize that equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging are core to the mission of the Caltech Library. Equity goes beyond equality and means fair and impartial access to our collections and services for the entire Caltech community. Diversity means all of the various ways the members of our community are unique; it includes but is not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, and national origin. Inclusion means embracing all members of our community as part of a greater whole. Belonging means full acceptance of the members of our community and celebrating them for the richness their experiences bring to our collective work. These values are the primary guiding principle in our work, and they are both individual responsibilities and institutional imperatives.

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