9 releases(2 stable)
1.1.0 | Sep 25, 2024 |
1.0.0 | Jul 29, 2024 |
0.9.1 | Aug 19, 2019 |
0.9.0 | Dec 19, 2018 |
0.0.1 | Jun 24, 2016 |
#52 inEncoding
63,472 downloads per month
Used in17 crates(13 directly)
hjson-rust for serde
{# specify ratein requests/second(because comments are helpful!) rate:1000// prefer c-style comments?/* feeling old fashioned?*/# did you notice that rate doesn't need quotes? hey: look ma, no quotesfor strings either!# best of all notice:[] anything:?# yes, commas are optional!}
The Rust implementation of Hjson is based on theSerde JSON Serialization Library. For other platforms seehjson.github.io.
This crate is a Rust library for parsing and generating Human JSONHjson. It is built uponSerde, a high performance generic serialization framework.
This crate works with Cargo and can be found oncrates.io with aCargo.toml
From the Commandline
Install withcargo install hjson
Hjson, the HumanJSON.Usage: hjson[options] hjson[options]<input> hjson(-h|--help) hjson(-V|--version)Options:-h--help Show this screen.-j Outputas formattedJSON.-c OutputasJSON.-V--version Show version.
- run
hjson test.json> test.hjson
to convert to Hjson - run
hjson-j test.hjson> test.json
to convert to JSON
externcrate serde;externcrate serde_hjson;useserde_hjson::{Map,Value};fnmain(){// Now let's look at decoding Hjson datalet sample_text=r#" { // specify rate in requests/second rate: 1000 array: [ foo bar ] }"#;// Decode and unwrap.letmut sample:Map<String, Value>=serde_hjson::from_str(&sample_text).unwrap();// scope to control lifetime of borrow{// Extract the ratelet rate= sample.get("rate").unwrap().as_f64().unwrap();println!("rate:{}", rate);// Extract the arraylet array:&mutVec<Value>= sample.get_mut("array").unwrap().as_array_mut().unwrap();println!("first:{}", array.get(0).unwrap());// Add a value array.push(Value::String("tak".to_string()));}// Encode to Hjsonlet sample2=serde_hjson::to_string(&sample).unwrap();println!("Hjson:\n{}", sample2);}