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I have literally hundreds of board games, computer games, gamebooks -- not to mention movies, YouTube....but THIS puzzle book has been my chief and best entertainment over the last couple weeks. Great stuff. Just purchased the follow-up. Thanks to Tom over at Shut-up and Sit Down game channel for the recommendation.
If you’re talking about physical book, there shouldn’t be any problems - you can order to Brazil here: https://letibus.bigcartel.com/product/lok
This is a brilliant bit of game design. I love how gently the puzzles guide you into understanding each rule, so far I’ve never felt lost but still feel clever when I get a new one. Do you have any advice about tuning the difficulty in that way? It’s something I really admire in games that do it well but struggle with creating.
Thank you for the kind words! Well, it helped me a lot to playtest LOK with various people, seeing where they struggle and streamlining those bits. In terms of the puzzle design, it's always the case of being as basic as possible in presentation of a new element and then making it more challenging with other puzzles, where the new element is already known. So yeah, there can never be enough of simplicity and accessibility - you can always ramp up the difficulty with later challenges.
LOK is a groundbreaking text that will pioneer the world of inductive game design. i have only just begun but have glanced forward at future chapters and cannot wait to work through this whole beautiful book. amazing artwork, highly immersive, rewards lateral thinking and straightforward logic both.
this game rules. thank you.
Its EXCELENT, I adore this game, the puzzles are short but smart and I love the sense of achievement when I figure out a rule, I've printed the pdf in A5 and carry it with me to solve puzzles on the metro and it's fantastic. I love that it is free so anyone can enjoy this masterpiece and if you have the means you can pay what you want.
Keep the good work
Oh WOW, this is incredible! I saw LOK on the front page of Itch and instantly clicked it because it's 100% up my alley (and I had a bunch of HP Instant Ink prints about to expire lol so it worked out doubly well!). I printed a copy for myself and for my partner, Angel, so we can work through it together-but-separately.
I'm really, really excited to work through this book, but goodness is it huge, VERY well put together, and clever!
- ✨Beth
I heard about lok from the latest shut up and sit down video, tried the free pdf and LOVE IT which led me to buy it right away. I really like how clever the puzzles and the rule discovery is. Thanks for this great game! I'm also looking forward for your next projects!
Do you have recommendations for similar solo / puzzle games?
Thanks again!
Thank you very much! :)
As far as I know - and as far as I discussed your question with a friend who is an expert on these puzzle sets - there aren't many paper-and-pen games around where figuring out the rules is a puzzle itself. I'm aware only of The Witless by TheGreatEscaper ( https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/47870/witless-a-puzzling-journey ) and FMTC by Jack Lance (https://jacoblance.wordpress.com/2020/05/16/logic-puzzles/ ). There are of course a lot more instructionless puzzles in the video-game format (The Witness, Understand, Taiji ...). I'd love to see more such paper games, so let me know if you find anything else :)
I enjoyed it very much! It was a great puzzle game.
I made a Japanese translation of this game. If you are interested, please take a look. I hope you would be pleased.
ルール解読系パズル本「LOK」の日本語翻訳 / JP translation of the word search puzzle book "LOK" by Blaž Urban Gracar https://gomamisomix.hatenadiary.com/entry/2022/09/24/001012
I will also upload my Let's Play videos on my YouTube channel in the future. (Since I am speaking in Japanese, I know it will be difficult to understand!)
Anyway, good game!
Hi, Competor, this is great! Thank you for playing LOK and for translating it (and also for the kind words). I'm interested in making a Japanese edition PDF with your translation - if you agree, please contact me at blazgracar@gmail.com - there are some details I need to sort out beforehand.
Looking forward to the Let's Play videos, even though I won't understand them :D
Thanks again, I think it's fantastic that you took your time to translate it! Best, Blaž
This is awesome, big thanks for sharing.
I needed to translate the game so that my friends and family can play it too, not sure it was the easiest or best solution especially since your amazing presentation is lost in the process but I ended up just using a pen.
I am going to laminate the sheets but still scanned those to be sure I can still print more if needed, I still have to make the second half but here is how it looks in case you'd be intrigued (I guess at very least it shows the interest we have in your game) :https://imgur.com/a/G0ZX4D0
I solved the different chapter beginning examples on the go but haven't begun to dig the advanced ones, this will be ton of fun.
Thanks again!
This is so cool, CryptRat! :) I'm really surprised by the work you've put in! Please, send me the final scans so I can have them for my archive (blazgracar@gmail.com) - I might even use your translations for a French edition in the future, if you'll be up for it. I hope your friends and family will enjoy it :) Thanks!
I completed the translation (I did not look at the last sections, of course ;) ). I'm trying to send you a mail with the files but since I assume it won't work, whatever the reason, here are all the separate sheets either way (I guess imgur is not worse than some weird download link) :https://imgur.com/a/XlqV782.