Hello, I created itch.io.
I occasionally make some games. All of the ones that I have finished have been forLudum Dare. I put a couple here.
I like to write lots of code, you can see all my projects onGitHub. I've created a programming language calledMoonScript that I write everything in. All of my games, and even this site you are viewing right now, are written in it. It compiles toLua, so anywhere Lua is available you can run MoonScript.
I've been trying to learn music but I'm not very good. You can listen to some stuff I've uploaded on mySoundCloud. I also make some art, you can find it on myStreak Club page.
Thanks for checking out itch.io!!!!
(Also, my discord name is leafo#2817)
Here are some games that I think have cool game pages. Have a suggestion? Tweet at me: @moonscript
Welcome to my interesting things collection. Games in this collection get some time on the itch.io homepage in the Fresh Games section. Fresh games is like our featured section, but games are added to it as a much quicker rate. If your proj...