


everybody wants to be a tortle

everybody wants to be a tortle

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thank you for this beautiful doodle, I wish I could get out of the pond and be the ruler of the outside-of-the-pond.

u could make an ending by there being a way to get out of the pond or something (hey, idk I'm not good at having ideas) :P

P.S I love the colour palette <3<3<3


yeah theres no real ending or plot as its a doodle haha

^o^ <3

AH I love your stuff, always helps putting me in a good mood

 I gotta stop sometime and try out this bitsy thing

thank you!!!!!!!! you totally should try out bitsy!!! if you aren't in the bitsy discord (if you have discord) we're all over here :D

Is there an ending? It's cute and blends with the page, but I guess I don't understand what it's about.

nope there's no ending, it's just a little doodle, it doesn't really make much sense

thanks for playing tho!!

I too just need to find a shell to become a tortle. 

The game's super cute! I laughed at the rainbow text and that frog accusing me of being a non-tortle. 

Thank you for making this adorable game 🐢

aw thank you for playing!! (*´꒳`*)

glub glub {rbw}{wvy}glub{wvy}{rbw}!

I actually thought this was just an animated gif at first because, hm, I guess because there was no border because of the seamless colour matching with your background, but then I scrolled down to lennys comment and then I tried pushing a button and then....I felt silly

ha ha i mean i rly liked this effect when i played adam's chariot bitsy game so i kinda wanna make small doodles this way where its like just a drawing on a page :3c but yes... they all got things to say xD glad u pushed the button :p would be sad to miss all the little things these cute little creatures got to say heehee i kinda grew attached to them in the hour it took to make the game <3

This game is so cute

thanks (“⌒∇⌒”) <3

I want to be........


yeah.. me too <3 <3 <3

Playing this was the best two minutes of my day.

aaaw ////3//// making this was a pretty good hour of my day :p·View all by onion·Report·Embed

