Joel A. Katz Law Library
Regular Hours
Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Break Hours
Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Aspen Learning Library
Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Study Aids) provides online access to over 200 study aids, including the Examples & Explanations series, Emanuel outlines, and the Glannon Guides. In addition to numerous ebook titles, our subscription also includes both video and audio study aids.
Fastcase provides students with access to a full collection of cases, statutes, admin regs and constitutions, as well as most court rules and attorney general opinions.
HeinOnline provides PDFs of full runs of law journals. Campus and off-campus with NetID. Register as an alumnus on the College of Law portal for alumni access.
Lexis OverDrive Digital Library
Lexis OverDrive provides students and faculty with E-Book access to Tennessee Primary Authorities. as well as hundreds of popular study aids.Log-in with your NetID.
West Academic Study Aids
West Academic Study Aids subscription provides students with online access to hundreds of study aids including case briefs, outlines, hornbooks, multiple choice questions, flash card, and audio titles. Authored by noted law professors, the subscription offers up-to-date information, advice, and tips for virtually every course you take. Students and faculty can create accounts using their campus e-mail address.
Recent alumni should check out the Alumni Services Research Guide to find out what benefits the Joel A. Katz law library will make available to them after graduation.
Contact Us
Joel A. Katz Law Library
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
E-mail: lawref@utk.edu
Contact Us
Joel A. Katz Law Library
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
E-mail: lawref@utk.edu