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Your financial support makes the important work happening across the college possible.


LAS Lincoln Scholars Scholarship Fund

Few endeavors are more central to our mission as a land-grant institution than providing access to a liberal arts and sciences education. This is especially true for promising students whose financial situation might prevent them from enrolling. With the help of alumni and friends like you, the Lincoln Scholars Initiative will change this for many LAS students.

Give to the LAS Lincoln Scholars Scholarship Fund


Access and Achievement Program Annual Fund

The College of LAS believes strongly in the value of diversity, community, academic scholarship, and excellence, as well as educational and professional mentorship. These fundamental tenets are embedded in our Access and Achievement Program.

AAP alumni and friends can have an important impact on our students by supporting the program. Learn more about how you can make a difference to the program.

Give to the Access and Achievement Program Annual Fund


College of LAS Emergency Fund

To help students navigate challenging times, the College of LAS has established the LAS Emergency Fund. This fund provides monetary support for current students who experience unexpected financial needs due to emergency situations, such as loss of housing or income, food insecurity, technology requirements, medical expenses, and more. The fund is intended to supplement existing support provided by the college and other units across campus.

Give to the College of LAS Emergency Fund


LAS Annual Fund

Your support helps us continue our rich tradition of preparing students to be engaged citizens as they learn in modern classrooms and work together in collaborative spaces. It also helps us provide the equipment and facilities our world-class faculty members need to conduct the research that continues to set our institution apart.

Give to the LAS Annual Fund


Fund for Altgeld and Illini Halls

The University of Illinois plans to renovate Altgeld Hall and replace its neighbor across Wright Street, Illini Hall, with a new building. Funds from the state, campus, and private donors will support the projected $192 million cost of the project. We invite you to partner with other alumni and friends to build the future for our campus and its students, as well as for these important campus buildings.

Give to the Fund for Altgeld and Illini Halls