


Large H Mapping

Welcome to the picturesque landscape of Ohio Richlands.
Welcome to a revised version of No Creek Farms for FS22
A small 1x map based in the hills of eastern Iowa
Leona Pennsylvania for Farming Simulator 22
Hanna Indiana 4x by Large H Mapping
Kinze 3660 and 3665 blue drive 16/30 row planters
Kinze's largest and best planter's for model year's 2019 through 2022
The map is based on real terrain data and uses a DEM to accurately capture the terrain of North Central North Carolina
Glenwood Farm is set in Madison County VA, and is a realistic DEM recreation of the IRL farm I lived on as a kid.
Fredericksburg is a 1x map set in the river bottom ground of the Rappahannock River.
A Brent 410 Grain Cart I textured and built using the John Deere 500 as a base.
Glenwood Farm is set in Madison County VA, and is a realistic DEM recreation of the IRL farm I lived on as a kid.

H's Tried and Tested Mods

Mid-sized forage harvesters produced in the 2000s by CLAAS
40 Series, John Deere 40 Series, FS22 John Deere 40 Series
John Deere 348 Small Square Baler for Farming Simulator 22, FS22
An iconic hay wagon that can autoload small squares or strap down loads
FS22 Mapping Project
17 Wheel hay rake, high quality model and well optimized
John Deere New Generation Combines for Farming Simulator 22, FS22
Modern lineup of pull type forage harvesters from Case IH and New Holland
Sidehill, John Deere 6600 Sidehill, 6600SH, FS22 John Deere 600 Sidehill
FS22 John Deere Large Frames, Large Frames, 4630, 4640, 4840 ·Community profile

