Contact and Multilingualism

11 Titles


  • Isabelle Léglise (CNRS SeDyL)
  • Stefano Manfredi (CNRS SeDyL)

Editorial board

  • Alexandra Aikhenvald (James Cook University)
  • Umberto Ansaldo (University of Sydney)
  • Peter Bakker (University of Aarhus)
  • Alan Carneiro (Federal University of Sao Paulo)
  • Ana Deumert (University of Western Cape)
  • Alexandre Duchêne (University of Fribourg)
  • Bernd Heine (University of Cologne)
  • Lenore Grenoble (University of Chicago)
  • Christine Hélot (University of Strasbourg)
  • Petros Karatsareas (University of Westminster)
  • Caroline Kerfoot (Stockholm University)
  • Elisabeth Lanza (University of Oslo)
  • Lisa Lim (University of Sydney)
  • Friederike Lüpke (SOAS)
  • Luisa Martín Rojo (Autónoma University of Madrid)
  • Felicity Meakins (The University of Queensland)
  • Bettina Migge (University College Dublin)
  • Ben Rampton (King’s College London)
  • Frank Seifart (CNRS, DDL)
  • Jeff Siegel (University of New England)
  • Sarah Thomason (University of Michigan)
  • Kofi Yakpo (University of Hong Kong)
  • Li Wei (University College London)
  • Quentin Williams (University of the Western Cape)

Aims and scope

The Contact and Multilingualism (CAM) series aims at providing a high quality and open- access publishing platform for empirical and theoretical studies on multilingualism and language contact. Being an inherently interdisciplinary domain of research, the study of multilingualism and language contact feeds on different areas, branches of linguistics and connected disciplines ranging from sociolinguistics, contact linguistics, historical linguistics, linguistic anthropology, language acquisition and socialization, discourse analysis, sociology of language, to linguistic typology. The CAM series takes interest in the multifactorial nature of language contact and it welcomes studies on both synchronic and diachronic aspects of multilingualism worldwide and especially in the Global South. Topics covered by the series include individual and societal aspects of multilingualism, variation in contact settings, multilingual repertoires, multilingualism and transnationality, multilingual practices (e.g. switching, mixing, poly / translanguaging), contact- induced language change, areal convergence/divergence, as well as the emergence and the typologisation of contact languages. Given the peculiar epistemological problems in the analysis of heterogeneous data gathered in multilingual settings, we also welcome methodological contributions proposing innovative solutions for the collection, the treatment, and the qualitative/quantitative analysis of plurilingual corpora. In addition, the CAM series invites studies on language regimentation, critical discourse analysis, linguistic landscape and language ideologies in multilingual societies. Although the CAM series does not align itself against any specific theoretical and/or methodological framework, preference will be given to empirically oriented studies presenting first-hand data coming from original fieldwork. Ethnographies will also be most welcome. The CAM series will not accept descriptive grammars of contact languages (pidgins, creoles, and mixed languages) that can be submitted to other LSP series (e.g. Studies in Diversity Linguistics). The same holds true for formal approaches to multilingualism, as well as for studies on second language teaching and learning, psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches to bilingualism that could be submitted to the seriesCurrent Issues on Bilingualism. Studies on language variation and quantitative approaches to sociolinguistics may be submitted to the Language Variation series. The CAM series will publish monographs and edited volumes.

Procedure for publishing a monograph or an edited volume

CAM welcomes both monographs and edited volumes.

Submission of proposals

Proposals for monographs and edited volumes should include a detailed table of contents (with max 500-word abstracts of each of intended chapter/contributions) plus a 2000-word description. Affiliations of all authors/editors should be included.

Submission of manuscripts and reviewing

If accepted, monographs will be reviewed by two members of the editorial board, together with one series editor. In the case of collective volumes, chapters will be reviewed separately; every chapter will be reviewed by two members of the editorial board (or other specialists of the subdomain identified together with the volume editor – some of them might be other contributors to the same volume). The reviewers will be asked to provide a detailed written assessment of the manuscript covering the following criteria: a) current significance and intellectual merit; b) accuracy of the subject matter; c) theoretical and methodological coherence; d) data analysis and interpretation; e) review of the literature; f) clarity of written expression.

Submission of revised version

The author(s)/editor(s) submits the revised version of their manuscript to the series editors, along with documentation of the reviewing and revising process (first and revised versions of each paper, plus at least two reviews of each paper). The series editor makes no quality judgment at this stage, but merely controls whether the reviewing and revising process went according to the rules. If the submitted version diverges substantially from the original proposal, e.g. by including several new chapters or by removing several of the original chapters, a new approval is required.


The author(s)/editor(s) makes sure that the volume is typeset in LaTeX according to the Language Science Press requirements, with some limited assistance from the LangSci office. See: and http://langsci-


After the typeset version has been approved by the series editors, the LangSci office approaches the volunteer proofreaders, so that each chapter is proofread by two people. The author(s)/editor(s) is asked to help with this process by finding at least one volunteer per chapter, e.g. among volume contributors or colleagues. The proofreading stage takes about six weeks.


After the proofreading comments have been taken into account, the final version is published.


In an attempt to embrace different research traditions in multilingualism and contact linguistics, CAM will accept submissions in English and French. Manuscripts in German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese can also be accepted if the authors/editors provide suggestions for proofreaders.



Online ISSN 2700-855X
Print ISSN 2700-8541

All Books

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Forthcoming:Afro-Iberian languages: Contact and sociohistory

Luana Lamberti (ed), Ana Lívia Agostinho (ed)
April 19, 2023

Arabic and contact-induced change

Christopher Lucas (ed), Stefano Manfredi (ed)
March 12, 2019
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Forthcoming:The construction of multilinguals as Others: Do we practice what we preach?

Artemis Alexiadou (ed), Claudio Scarvaglieri (ed), Christoph Schroeder (ed), Heike Wiese (ed)
April 19, 2023
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Contemporary research in minoritized and diaspora languages of Europe

Matt Coler (ed), Andrew Nevins (ed)
December 30, 2022
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Forthcoming:Foundations of language contact: A comparative survey

Francesca Di Garbo (ed), Eri Kashima (ed), Kaius Sinnemäki (ed)
June 7, 2024
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Global and local perspectives on language contact

Katrin Pfadenhauer (ed), Sofia Rüdiger (ed), Valentina Serreli (ed)
February 14, 2024
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Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends

Jorge Pinto (ed), Nélia Alexandre (ed)
January 20, 2021
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Post-predicate elements in the Western Asian Transition Zone: A corpus-based approach to areal typology

Geoffrey Haig (ed), Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand (ed), Donald Stilo (ed), Laurentia Schreiber (ed), Nils Schiborr (ed)
December 28, 2024
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Social and structural aspects of language contact and change

Bettina Migge (ed), Shelome Gooden (ed)
October 17, 2022