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Krishna vishvarupa, suam formam universam,Ariunae monstrat ante bellum Kurukshetra.
Krishna cum Gopis.

Visnuismus[1] siveVaishnavismus est una ex praecipuisdenominationesHinduicis, cumSivaismo,Saktismo, etSmartismo comparata. Etiam appellaturVishnuismus, sectatoribus Vaishnavis et Vaishnavitis appellatis, etVishnu Dominus Supremus agnoscit.[2][3]

Haectraditiodoctrináavatararum innotescit, cuius sectatores Vishnu in permultisincarnationibus distinctis venerantur. Inter huiusdei maioranomina propria suntRama,Krishna, Narayana, Kalki, Hari, Vithoba, Kesava, Madhava, Govinda, Srinathji, Jagannath.[4][5][6] Traditio ex primomillennioa.C.n. exorta est, nomineBhagavatismus etKrishnaismud. Deinde Ramananda motum Ramae dicatum creavit, qui nunc est maximus grexmonasticus inAsia.[7][8] Traditioni sunt multae subscholae (sampradayas), inter quas fuerunt schola Dvaita Madhvacharyamedii aevi et schola Vishishtadvaita Ramanuja.[9][10]

Sectatores, quiavataram Vishnu (saepe Krishnam) venerantur,motum Bhakti in Asia Meridianamillennio secundo amplificbantur.[11][12] Interscripturas maximi momenti in Vaishnavismo suntVedae,Upanishad,Bhagavadgita, Pancaratra (Agama) , etBhagavata Purana.[13][14]

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  1. Studia missionalia, vol. II (Romae: 1946) (pag. 59 apudGoogle Books).
  2. Pratapaditya Pal (1986). [ Sculpture: Circa 500 BCE – 700 CE]. University of California Press. pp. 24–25. ISBN 978-0-520-05991-7 .
  3. Stephan Schuhmacher (1994). The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Shambhala. p. 397. ISBN 978-0-87773-980-7 .
  4. Matchett 2001: 3–9.
  5. Anna King 2005: 32–33.
  6. Avinash Patra 2011: 12–16, 25.
  7. Selva Raj et William Harman (2007),Dealing with Deities: The Ritual Vow in South Asia (State University of New York Press,ISBN 978-0791467084), 165–166.
  8. James G Lochtefeld (2002),The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: N-Z (Rosen Publishing,ISBN 978-0823931804), 553–554.
  9. Beck 2012: 76–77.
  10. Jeaneane D. Fowler 2002: 288–304, 340–350.
  11. John Stratton Hawley (2015). A Storm of Songs. Harvard University Press. pp. 10–12, 33–34. ISBN 978-0-674-18746-7 .
  12. James G Lochtefeld (2002),The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: N–Z, Rosen Publishing,ISBN978-0823931804, pages 731–733.
  13. Flood 1996: 121–122.
  14. Johnson, Todd M; Grim, Brian J (2013). The World's Religions in Figures: An Introduction to International Religious Demography. John Wiley & Sons. p. 400. ISBN 9781118323038 .


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Bibliographia addita

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  • Flood, Gavin.1996.An introduction to Hinduism. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0-521-43878-0.
  • Bryant, Edwin, et Maria Ekstrand, eds.2013.The Hare Krishna Movement: The Postcharismatic Fate of a Religious Transplant. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press.

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