↑Carolus Trice Martin,The record interpreter : a collection of abbreviation, Latin words and names.
↑Michaël Antonius Baudrand,Geographia, Parisiis, 1682, apud Stephanum Michalet, T. primus[7] (apudGoogle books)
↑A Chorographicall discription of the severall Shires and Islands ofMiddlesex, Hampshire, Essex, Weighte, Surrey, Garnesey & Sussex, Jarsey, performed by the traveyle and view of John Norden 1595.[8](Anglice)
↑Cyrillus Hart,The Mersea Charter of Edward the Confessor.[9]
↑Andreas Wright,Court-hand restored, Londinii, 1864, Henry G. Bohn.[10] (apudGoogle books)
↑Iohannes Vilelmus Müeller,Lexicon manuale, geographia antiquam et mediam cum Latine tum Germanice illustrans, in usum scolarum editum, Lipsiae, 1831, impensis C.H.F. Hartmani.[11] (apudGoogle books)
↑Cambrian Archaeological Association,Archaeologia Cambrensis, the journal of the Cambrian Archoeological Association, Londinii, Iulio 1866, Third series N°XLVII.[12] (ling|Anglice) (apudGoogle books)
↑Catalogue de la bibliothèque de la ville de Lille - Histoire, Insulae, 1856, Vanackere, imprimeur-libraire, T.II, p.268.[13](Francogallice) (apudGoogle books)