NotaeASCII quibus verbum "Wikipedia"systemate binario numeri scribitur. Hoc systemate binario omnes informationes apud computatra scribuntur.
Informatio sensu latissimo inphilosophia,scientia,ingeniaria et specialiterinformatica plerumque dicitur omnis res data quae ab intellectu elaborata exhibita est. Complectitur
Inre militari, informatio abintellegentia sic dignoscitur:intellegentia complectitur informationem, modos quibus hae informationes obtineantur, etconsilia specialia ab hac informatione derivata.
Floridi, Luciano. (2005)2022. "Semantic Conceptions of Information." InThe Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, editio hiemalis (retractatus 14 Ianuarii 2022), ed. Edward N. Zalta. Metaphysics Research Lab Universitatis Stanfordensis.Editio interretialis.
Floridi, Luciano.2010.Information: A Very Short Introduction. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
Gleick, James.2011.The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood. Novi Eboraci: Pantheon.
Lin, Shu-Kun.2008. "Gibbs Paradox and the Concepts of Information, Symmetry, Similarity and Their Relationship."Entropy 10 (1): 1–5. arXiv:0803.2571. Bibcode:2008Entrp..10....1L.doi:10.3390/entropy-e10010001. S2CID 41159530.Pagina prima.
Liu, Alan.2004.The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information. Sicagi: University of Chicago Press.
Logan, Robert K.What is Information? - Propagating Organization in the Biosphere, the Symbolosphere, the Technosphere and the Econosphere. Toronto: DEMO Publishing.
Nielsen, Sandro.2008. "The Effect of Lexicographical Information Costs on Dictionary Making and Use."Lexikos 18: 170–89.
Shannon, Claude.1949.The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbanae: University of Illinois Press.
Soni, Jimmy, et Rob Goodman.2017.A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age. Novi Eboraci: Simon & Schuster.
Stewart, Thomas.2001.Wealth of Knowledge. Novi Eboraci: Doubleday.