1588 :Thomas Hariot,A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities there found and to be raysed ... (Londinii) quaternion C2Textus editionis fac-simile 1903 "Some take it to beePlanta Solis"
1790 :Casimirus Gomezius Ortega, ed.,Francisci Hernandi, medici atque historici Philippi II, hispan. et indiar. Regis, et totius novi orbis archiatri opera cum edita tum inedita, ad autographi fidem. 3 voll. (Matriti: ex typographia Ibarrae heredum) (vol. 1 pp. 62-63 apudGoogle Books)
Eruditio recentior
R. L. Dressler, "The pre-Columbian cultivated plants of Mexico" inBotanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University vol. 16 (1953) pp. 115–172
Charles B. Heiser, "The sunflower among the North American Indians" inProceedings of the American Philosophical Society vol. 95: (1951) pp. 432–448JSTOR
Charles B. Heiser,The North American Sunflowers (Helianthus) (Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 22 no. 3). Durham Carolinae Septentrionalis, 1969Textus
Charles B. Heiser, "The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Mexico: further evidence for a North American domestication" inGenetic Resources and Crop Evolution vol. 55 (2008) pp. 9-13Epitome