Assmann, Jan.2003.The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-01211-9.
Blainey, Geoffrey.2004.A very short history of the world. Londinii: Allen Lane.ISBN 0-7139-9822-9.
Colin, Ernesto.2014.Indigenous Education through Dance and Ceremony: A Mexica Palimpsest. Novi Eboraci: Palgrave Macmillan.ISBN 978-1-349-47094-5.
León-Portilla, Miguel.2012.Aztec Thought and Culture: A Study of the Ancient Nahuatl Mind. Normanniae: University of Oklahoma Press.ISBN 978-0-8061-0569-7.
Lynch, John Patrick.1972.Aristotle's School: a Study of a Greek Educational Institution. Berkeleiae: University of California Press.ISBN 0-520-02194-0.
Reagan, Timothy.2005.Non-Western Educational Traditions: Alternative Approaches to Educational Thought and Practice. Mahwah Novae Caesareae: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.ISBN 978-0-8058-4857-1.
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