Bi Karatê, Bout (3 deqa) cewle ye; matchgêm e
1. a short period of intense activity of a specified kind. "occasional bouts of strenuous exercise" synonyms:spell, period, time, stretch, stint, turn, run, session, round, cycle; More fit, burst, flurry, spurt, streak; informalsesh, spot "a short bout of exercise can ease insomnia" an attack of illness or strong emotion. "a severe bout of flu" synonyms:attack, fit, spasm, paroxysm, convulsion, eruption, outbreak, outburst, burst, spell, dose; More rareaccess, boutade "his breathlessness sparked off a coughing bout" a wrestling or boxing match. "he fought 350 bouts, losing only nine times" synonyms:contest, match, round, heat, competition, tournament, event, meeting, meet, fixture, game; More encounter, fight, prize fight, struggle, set-to; clash "the bout ended when a fighter was knocked to the ground" 2. a curve in the side of a violin, guitar, or other musical instrument.