


The Lair

The Lair

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If you do, you'll get an authentic 8-bit era instruction booklet for the game as a thank-you!

Controls: arrow keys, Z/C, X/V

Arrow keys - for moving around,Z/C - for stabbing things,X/V - for blocking things that try to stab you,hold Z/C - for a super-charged attack,double tap direction - for dashing to safety.

Gamepads also supported! If the controls stop responding, just click the game.


There is a Dark Lord terrorizing the northern coast since generations. What was once a thriving land full of bustling ports and cities has now gone to ruin, and the people of the Moonlit Empire are frankly fed up with all that.

You drew the shortest straw at the Order of Night's Vigil, so taking care of the situation is now your task. Punch through to the evil overlord's inner sanctum in Shearwater Keep and defeat him!

This game was lovingly crafted for thePICO-8, a fantasy 8-bit era console.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Downloadable version (Windows)1 MB
Downloadable version (MacOS)3.2 MB
Downloadable version (Linux)660 kB
PICO-8 cartridge (.png)49 kB
PICO-8 source code (.p8)91 kB
Instruction booklet (bootleg scan)4.8 MB
if you pay$2 USD or more
Instruction booklet (clean PDF)160 kB
if you pay$2 USD or more

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Hmm, can't run the p8 file. I get syntax error and runtime error. Fun game though.

why are almost all of the pico-8 games are so god

That's a lovely little beat-em up with so much soul to it!

Great little game and well done on it!

it's very fun! but the sound doesn't work on web

It does work on my end, but browsers are sometimes fussy when it comes to sound. What browser/operating system?

Some browsers block scripts from playing sound before user interaction, you could try clicking the game with your mouse first to see if that helps.

it was the Microsoft Edge browser blocking the sound! thx for your help. also like I said I like your game it is nice 

Nice ! i like it

AMAZING GAME, i really like it 


Download the game. The game is impossible to beat in browser.The Lair - HELL! S rank

This game is better with a controller

i love this game beacause it has good villains

Simple moveset + varied enemies = amazing fun
I really enjoyed this :)

this is a really fun game! i absolutely LOVE pico-8 games

Very simple & efficient ! I love it !

Love the game, but im not sure if im just bad at it or im bad at it but i'd reccomend adding an "not a challenge" mode

Love this game. Incredible and inspirational. 

i have managed to attain godhood and beat Hell Mode.

Fear me peasants, for i am unstoppable.

i'm sorry but the dude moves too slow

VHS-CAM con voces reales

Amazing! I love it!
Can you make a way to restart from the current stage as opposed to starting from the beginning when you die? It would give me incentive to complete on a harder difficulty!

is there multiplayer?

Is it just me, or does the poison spitters need to be nerfed? They run around spewing poison all over the place, with no way to stun them. When you use your shield on their poison, it splatters everywhere, making it harder to avoid. Other than that, it's very fun.

Hit them early and hit them hard. They're wimps if you take the fight to them :)

Beat the game on Friendly, then Normal. Your tip really helped! The poison guys would always drain my heath really early on, but just charging them? They can't handle it. You can one-tap 'em if you get a strength boost.

I'm not the only that thinks this would be one of those arcade games that just eat up your token and coins.

good game, very fun ! 

Fun, but I think it would be cool if you added a green potion that increases movement speed, increased despawn time for potions, and added a few more enemies and more weapons. However, even with it's flaws, I still think it's a really good game and would gladly pay $20 or more for a longer version with more content.

This is super crunchy and difficult and I really dig it. I wish you could get new weapons. Also, the power ups disappear way too fast. I haven't gotten past level 2 on Normal after 4 tries, but I wish I could see the rest!

Getting this crash on pico-8 v0.2.1b when starting game:

PICO-8 0.2.1b has a small bug due to how the add() function is changed. This has unfortunately broken most of my cartridges.
I reported the bug and it is already fixed for 0.2.1c - but I'm not sure if that update is released already.

OK, thanks for the info. I'm happy to wait for the new version of Pico-8 if it fixes the issue.

I like this :) great parallax, feels solid, just a shame I can't see more (if there is much more?) since I'm pretty bad at it. Maybe I'll try playing w/ gamepad instead of keyboard :)

Any chance of a downloadable Windows version? I hate to be a pain, but I don't have a permanent internet connection or PICO-8. According to another developer, a click of a menu option is all that's needed.

I was surprised it wasn't in the downloads yet ;). Added now, it's indeed very little hassle to export them.

Deleted post4 years ago
Deleted4 years ago

Have you tried the unminified source code (it's a .p8 file that you can download from the game's page). That's as readable as it's gonna get ;)

The simple mechanics and pace actually make this work very well on keyboard. I enjoyed it.

Normal should be hard

It's okay.  Takes a bit to get the combat down.  Aside from that, nothing new to write home about.

Wow! I loved it. Is there/will there be a sequel?

Great game. This was one of my funnest videos to record. Keep it up.

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