The only downside that didn't get fixed about bosses is that when you touch their hitbox it counts that they attacked you, for instance the first boss Remy, touching your hitbox with a sword while standing still counts as she attacked you and deals damage, it's pretty annoying since every time you touch her you get briefly stunned and can't dodge roll, and when she just stands still, damages you and then performs something like a beam attack or jump you can't really avoid those 2 hits from her, that's why I just died the first time pretty quickly, didn't know that's how it works
If it's ok then leave it in the game, but I would change that she can't just deal damage to you while idle
Hey, I'm done making corrections, here's the link to the file
Gather diamonds cards - they give you armor
Attack enemies only if you have enough armor or you have enough health
Skip enemies if you see that you don't have enough diamonds cards or there're no enemies or you meet joker and have no armor / health
That's all. Really, you have to just defeat everything