For district-wise analytical results, click over the map

By clicking over any of the district over the map of Bangladesh, You will get some overview and analytical results about the schools based on some parameters like:

  1. Number of primary and secondary schools
  2. School areas
  3. Male-Female student ratio
  4. Teacher-Student ratio
  5. Average age
  6. Weighted Score
  7. Has ethnic students or, not
  8. Runs business
  9. Has vocational education

This is an extended version of the web-applicationKonSchool which comes with the idea of how the application programming interface (API) can be used in various ways as well as keeping in mind with material design to enhance the look and feel and enriching user experience.

Have patience, Fetching Information

Analytical Report


Higher Schools



Junior Secondary Schools



Secondary Schools


Boys schools having only boys
Girls schools having only girls
Boys schools, having girls also
Girls schools, having boys also
In total
Linear Regression on Area/Status

Regression Object

Area status X is the independent variable where X=(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7 & 0.9) means (Rural Area, Upazila Sadar not Municipality, Other Municipality, Upazila Sadar Municipality, District Sadar Municipality, City Corporation, Metropolitan)

Based on the different values of the variable X we are marking independent variable Y (Status Code)={Y ∈ N : 1 ≤ Y ≤ 7}

See Full DataSet

Linear Regression on Area/Status

A bunch of text
Analysis of data
Summation of X
Summation of Y
Summation of X*Y
Summation of X2
Area Regression Model
Figure :School Names Having Less Teachers (Teacher : Student)

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