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The Streampunks!
The Streampunks!
Support The Streampunks!About

We started as a small game group on Geek & Sundry back in 2017. We grew into good a collection of friends, found a great community and in 2020, we officially formed the Streampunks LLC and began a new journey of telling stories about hope. Stories told at the gaming table can be transformative and the characters we meet along the way, reveal us to ourselves. In our time together we've learned to explore, make enemies into friends and we've learned how to love our scars. Streampunks is lead by Eric Campbell, Sam de Leve and Aliza Pearl.

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The Streampunks!

Welcome to the Streampunks COFFEE? page! This page is our staging ground for all the stories waiting to be told. We made the move to ko-fi because of the support the platform gives its creators as well as allowing more options for folks to be able to support us. That support will go towards our production budget, supporting our talent, artists, and musicians, as we continue to make a place for Hope Punk in the ttrpg space. ******PLEASE READ BELOW******Streampunks does not sell items or merchandise through Ko-Fi. We offer access to a special community via membership pledges and perks for membership which include sneak peaks at our projects and recognitions in our credits for your continued membership. Any donations made on a One Time basis are greatly appreciated, but yield no rewards, goods or services. LASTLY: Due to an increase in fraudulent activity We've initiated PayPal's protection against Chargeback Scams and Refunds. Any disputes made through PayPal may be refuted with evidence and you may end up paying fee's for your refund. Please select your donation and membership pledges carefully***** Thank you for your support and understanding! ******

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Aux Crew!
$2 per month
70 Members

Join our community! Access to our Discord and join up with the legendary Aux Crew! A fantastic community of wholesome and supportive fans.Bi-Weekly Updates on the Streampunks and schedules including advanced announcements on our events and shows

  • Discord Access
$10 per month
47 Members

Join our community! Access to our Discord and join up with the legendary Aux Crew! A fantastic community of wholesome and supportive fans.Bi-Weekly Updates on the Streampunks and schedules including advanced announcements on our events and showsSpecial Access to our Officers Lounge – where you will have a chance to chat with the cast.Special Access to our Chronicles Channel - Twice a month, Streampunks will host exclusive rpg content on their discord for supporters only. These range from one on one rpgs, to AMA’s and more!Meetup Updates for upcoming Cons

  • Discord Access
  • Exclusive Content
  • Exclusive Officers Chat Channel
  • Access to our Exclusive "Chronicles" RP Channel
Bridge Crew!
$20 per month
20 Members

Join our community! Access to our Discord and join up with the legendary Aux Crew! A fantastic community of wholesome and supportive fans.Bi-Weekly Updates on the Streampunks and schedules including advanced announcements on our events and showsSpecial Access to our Officers Lounge – where you will have a chance to chat with the cast.Special Access to our Chronicles Channel - Twice a month, Streampunks will host exclusive rpg content on their discord for supporters only. These range from one on one rpgs, to AMA’s and more!Meetup Updates for upcoming ConsSpecial Section in the Credits for our “Bridge Crew” supporters!Permanent Discount on all merch store itemsPriority for your questions on all of our AMA’s on DiscordGaming Tips! Got a question that Eric or Aliza might be able to help with regarding your own campaign? The Streampunks storytellers are ready to help!

  • Discord Access
  • Exclusive Content
  • Name in our Post Show Credits!
  • GM Questions!
  • Merch Discount!
  • Exclusive Officers Chat Channel
  • Access to our Exclusive "Chronicles" RP Channel
$50 per month
12 Members

THANK YOU SUPERPUNK!Access to our Discord and join up with the legendary Aux Crew! A fantastic community of wholesome and supportive fans.Bi-Weekly Updates on the Streampunks and schedules including advanced announcements on our events and showsSpecial Access to our Officers Lounge – where you will have a chance to chat with the cast.Special Access to our Chronicles Channel - Twice a month, Streampunks will host exclusive rpg content on their discord for supporters only. These range from one on one rpgs, to AMA’s and more!Meetup Updates for upcoming ConsSpecial Section in the Credits for our “Bridge Crew” supporters!Permanent Discount on all merch store itemsPriority for your questions on all of our AMA’s on DiscordGaming Tips! Got a question that Eric or Aliza might be able to help with regarding your own campaign? The Streampunks storytellers are ready to help!Create an NPC that will make an appearance in our Live Plays and be credited! Our GMs will draft up guidelines to ensure it lines up with the game experience for the Streampunks and from there… we create!Once per month, our Superpunk Supporters also get a “Story point” (or equivalent based on the game system). You may ping our storytellers when you would like a Storypoint to be spent! The following game session, at a time of the Storytellers choosing (almost always a good dramatic moment), your story point will be given to the players to use in their desperate hours and you will be credited by the Storyteller at the end of the game!

  • Discord Access
  • Exclusive Content
  • Story Point!
  • GM Questions!
  • Name in our Post Show Credits!
  • Access to our Exclusive "Chronicles" RP Channel
  • Exclusive Officers Chat Channel
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