Author of Admiral Shark's Keyboards, a project to document, preserve & host information on IBM, Lexmark, Unicomp, Lenovo & TGCS keyboards!
A handful of people expressed willingness to donate to help support Admiral Shark's Keyboards, what I do, and me. So, here goes nothing... I've spent the last five years trying to document IBM keyboards to the best of my ability and help technically support those with similar interests. Not just collecting existing information in one place, but often discovering new things and putting it out on the internet for posterity and all to enjoy for free.This website will remain not for profit and ad-free. But if you like what I do and want to support my continuing mission, you're more than welcome to donate and it will be much appreciated! Please note that I do not currently and have no plans to offer perks or special treatment (for example, on Discord or r/modelm). Regardless, I will do my utmost best to ensure my website remains the best place to learn about IBM keyboards!
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