We're the International Kick Off fan community developing thePlayer Manager &Kick Off reboot on PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Flash.
The games are supported bySteve Screech one of the authors behind the kick off series which hasauthorised us to use all his original artworks from the Kick Off and Player Manager on Commodore Amiga.
This games has nothing in common toKick Off Revival which is apoor copy of the original game (metacritic claimed it's the2nd worst game of 2016) from the coderDino Dini,the same coder hired by Anco to develop an Amiga and Atari Stversion of Tehkan World Cup, a vertical - top down football game available only on Coin Op in 1985.
Tehkan World Cup had many clones in the 80s, that is, on 1988Microprose Soccer was a nice start in the home computers, Jon Hare said it washeavily influenced by Tehkan World Cup. Both games worth a look as they were the fathers of bothKick Off andSensible Soccer!
The kick Off 2 PC version was developed by Gary Ellis and it's playable for free on here:Kick Off 2 PC DOS. The PC version gives no credit to Dino Dini since it has no use of Amiga Source code.
The 1990 PC version was a really disappointment, Player Manager was never released on PC so our mission is to finally give a great PC version to two great Amiga games.
Our Kick Off PC version is "AfterTouch Soccer" and together withSoccer Player Manager are available onDownload for Free, click on the image below.
We also develop the mobile versions since all kick off games on 90s portable consoles were pretty bad too, so Kick Off and Player manager are now available on all artphone running on iOS, Android and Windows Phone downloadable for free on their stores.
Physics and gameplay differ from the original version to be more playable on touch screen devices and on keyboard/Gamepad. Source code on both games came from our development, it has nothing from the previous Kick Off games since it's written withMonkey-x from scratch starting on 2013. If you want to create a 2D game we highly recommend to download theMonkey-X free edition,