


Keybase Staging Server



This team has no description.1 total member

1 public admin

Kaiden See
Kaiden See

How to join bytegami

Install KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter"bytegami" from the teams tab. If the admins believe you belong in the team, they will sign you into it. Or, if you personally know the admins, you can ask them to add you.

What are Keybase teams?

A Keybase team is a group of people who can communicate with end-to-end cryptography. This means the team's chats and files cannot be read by anyone outside the team, not even someone who breaks into Keybase's servers.

Membership/role changes are entered into achain of signatures which (1) cannot be altered by a malicious person outside the team, and (2) must be signed by a team admin, as defined byprevious links in the chain.

Open communities also benefit from Keybase, even if encryption isn't the goal, since data is cryptographicallysigned.

Here are thecrypto docs for the academics among us.

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