


Karl N. Redman

Software/Systems Engineer

Current Work Status:
NOT Seeking Employment

I love building systems that help people accomplish their goals.

My passion is developing new and exciting systems. I invent things. I find ways to make things happen. I'm known for this among my peers, relatives, and friends. I'm very good in an emergency with a "can do"/"whatever it takes" attitude. Yet I have the experience to know that not all development work is new and exciting. It is that very experience that gives me the stamina to work effectively on projects that require maintenance, tool generation and otherwise porting applications to new platforms.

Highlights of my career experience:

Throughout my 20+ year career as a low-middleware Software Applications Engineer I have worked as a professional programmer with tens of languages across over a dozen operating systems within several architectures. This unique career experience has afforded me the opportunity to be an effective Systems Administrator and Systems Engineer where needed -at nearly every institution where I've had the privilege to be employed. I am generally considered to be outspoken in regards to my passion for business concerns relative to projects that I'm involved with. And I am equally known as a champion for the ideas and the work of others. I ask for help when I need it, I admit when I am wrong or don't know something, and I help out my peers whenever I can.

