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I'm sorry, I have no means to debug Mac and Linux versions. Except emulating it on virtual machine. Well, I was sure that I did fixed it, but apparently I was wrong. But now I wonder if it's any specific Linux build or it's always was a problem. Anyway thank you for comment. I will try to find solution.
Thank you man. Well yes I was thinking about discord channel. But sadly, people don't really seem interested to discuss anything about this game, anywhere I posted it. So I don't really know if it's worth it to try. And yes I was thinking about releasing on steam. But steam had/has some adult content censorship. And with my country laws, I doubt if its even legal. But I'm still going to finish my game and posted it here. And maybe on steam some day.
In the linux version of the download the custom mouse pointer has been enlarged to be about a fourth the size of the screen and the actual mouse that interacts with stuff is offset to the side off it making navigating through just the menu nigh impossible. This is the best screenshot I could get as it would show by using PrntScr.
Hi, thank you for reply. I've just tried to sleep 5 times at the inn and it didn't cause bug You mentioned. I've tried alone, and with the party members. But here is the funny part. I got some specials from "Wild Roses" and got into fight in desert. Well, using specials was bad idea. It just buggy as hell.(Most of bugs are fixed in dev build, though). With current party changes I wanted to work on inn anyway. So there is more reasons to start, I guess. Thank you for reply again.
Добрый день!
Очень понравился Ваш проект, наиграл в него больше 15-20 часов в версию 0.7 (Правда пришлось начинать игру с начало раз 100 наверное)
Главная проблема на данный момент, битые сейвы. (играл в версию 0.5 и 0.7) на 0.5 такая проблема реже наблюдалась.
Частенько было, когда в пати 2 персонажа переходишь на второго, немного играешь , одеваешь считай все игра вылетит.
Если отправить второго персонажа (нанятого) в бордель , то игра виснет(с основным такой проблемы нет).
Хотелось бы расширить магазин вещей (Который в деревне, хочется собрать по виду определенный сет, но не получается) (и по больше эротической одежды, тема с двумя разными чулками очень классная).
Не хватает сундука в деревне, куда можно шмотки складывать, так как инвентарь весьма ограничен (приходилось нанимать персонажей и делать из них ходячих манекенов)
По больше анимаций, очень понравились анимации footjob (по больше бы таких).
Боевка в целом устраивает, хоть и немного топорная.
Если свяжетесь со мной или напишите как с вами связаться, готов стать вашем личным тестером, так как игра действительно понравилась.
I've played it a couple times on the latest version and it tends to bug up after a little bit causing the npc character models to strip down to their base model and flatline their stats to the mins. Basically the gameplay itself breaks and you can one-shot everything at that point. Everything else continues to function. Its just annoying because it takes all the challenge out of the game when this bug strikes. Oh I should point out that the latest patreon release also does it.