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The Bronx ya ikuborough paling lor saka lima borough ingNew York City. Borough iki uga, kanti jenengBronx County, wujud kang terakhir digabung marangpraja New York saka 62county. Mapan ing lorManhattan lanQueens, lan kidulWestchester County, the Bronx wujud siji-sijiné borough kang mapan ing daratan Amérikah Sarékat.Tahun 2010,Biro Sensus ngira-ngira jumlah penduduk borough iki nalika 1 Juli 2009 nyandak 1.397.287 jiwa,[1] manggoni wewengkon kanti amba 42 mil pesagis (109 km2). Iki ndadèkaké Bronx minangka borough paling padat kaping papat, gedhé dhéwé kaping papat miturut luas daratan, lan paling dhuwur kaping telu miturutkepadatan penduduke.[2][3]
Cithakan:Borough di NYC
The Bronx dibelah déningBronx River nganti laladan nggegunung ing kulon sacepake Manhattan, lan dataranEast Bronx cepak karoLong Island.West Bronx dianeksasi marang New York City (banjur digabungake marang Manhattan) nalika 1874, lan wewengkon ing wétan Bronx River nalika 1895. The Bronx pertama éntuk status hukume nalika dadi boroughGreater New York taun 1898. Bronx County, kanti wates kang pada kaya borough, kapisah saka New York County (banjur ngadeg bebarengan Borough of Manhattan) nalika 1 Januari 1914.[4] Sanajan the Bronx wujudcounty paling padat ketelu ing AS,[3] meh seprapate wewengkone wujud lapangan terbuka, kalebuWoodlawn Cemetery,Van Cortlandt Park,Pelham Bay Park,New York Botanical Garden lanBronx Zoo ing laladan lor lan tengah borough, ing tanah kang dikhususake nalika akir abad kaping 19 minangka pembangunan perkotaan kang tumuwuh marang lor lan lan wétan Manhattan kanti pembangunan dalan, kreteg lan rel sepur.
Bronx River dijenengi jumbuhJonas Bronck, pawongan pemukim awal sakaSmåland ingSwèdhen kang lemahe batesan karo kali ing wétan. Borough Bronx dijenegi jumbah karo kali mau kang biyene jenenge "Bronck's River".Indian AmérikaLenape (Delaware) karusir sawisé taun 1643 déning pendatang saka Walanda lan Britania Raya. Bronx éntuk akèh arus imigranIrlandia,Jerman,Yahudi lanItalia sawisé populasi pedésaane meledak antara pertengahan abad kaping 19 lan 20. Sajarah dewek diterusake sawisé 1945 déningAfrika Amérika lanHispanik Amérika saka wewengkonKaribia - khususé Puerto Rico[5] lan Republik Dominika, uga ska Jamaika. Dalam beberapaSajrone pira-pira taun terakhir, percampuran budaya iki wis dadekake Bronx laladan subur kanggonemusik Latin lanhip hop.
The Bronx duwé siji saka lima Distrik Konggrès paling miskin ing AS (dhistrik ke-16), nanging keragaman permukimane uga nyakup laladanRiverdale lanCountry Club. The Bronx, khususne ingSouth Bronx, ngalami penurunan populasi, omah layak huni, lan kuwalitas urip kanthi tajem ing akir 1960-an dan 1970-an, saéngga ndadèkaké gelombangpencurian, nanging wis nuduhake tanda-tanda pemulihan ING taun-taun terakhir.[6]
- ↑Masalah sitiran: Tenger
ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi jeneng2009 est pop
- ↑Sawentara the Bronx duwé luas 42 mil pesagis (109 km2), penduduke luwih akèh sakaALaska lanWyoming digabungake, ya iku seluas 665,000 mil pesagis (1,700,000 km2) miturut Tabel 348Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2008 Ranked areas of the boroughs fromU.S. Census Bureau,County and City Data Book:2007 Table B-1, Area and Population, retrieved on July 12, 2008.
- ↑abU.S. Census Bureau,County and City Data Book:2007 Table B-1, Area and Population, retrieved on July 12, 2008. New York County (Manhattan) merupakan county terpadat di AS, diikuti Kings County (Brooklyn), Bronx County, Queens County dan San Francisco, California.
- ↑On the start of business for Bronx County:Bronx County In Motion. New Officials All Find Work to Do on Their First Day.The New York Times, January 3, 1914 (PDF retrieved on June 26, 2008):
- "Despite the fact that the new Bronx County Court House is not completed there was no delay yesterday in getting the court machinery in motion. All the new county officials were on hand and the County Clerk, the District Attorney, the Surrogate, and the County Judge soon had things in working order. The seal to be used by the new county was selected by County Judge Louis D. Gibbs. It is circular. In the centre is a seated figure of Justice. To her right is an American shield and over the figure is written 'Populi Suprema.'..."
- "Surrogate George M. S. Schulz, with his office force, was busy at the stroke of 9 o'clock. Two wills were filed in the early morning, but owing to the absence of a safe they were recorded and then returned to the attorneys for safe keeping...."
- "There was a rush of business to the new County Clerk's office. Between seventy-five and a hundred men applied for first naturalization papers. Two certificates of incorporation were issued, and seventeen judgments, seven lis pendens, three mechanics' liens and one suit for negligence were filed."
- "Sheriff O'Brien announced several additional appointments."
- ↑Braver (1998)
- ↑See the "Historical Populations" table inHistory above and its sources.