JupyterLab Documentation#

Welcome to theJupyterLab documentation site. JupyterLab is a highlyextensible, feature-rich notebook authoring application and editing environment,and is a part ofProject Jupyter, alarge umbrella project centered around the goal of providing tools (andstandards) for interactivecomputing withcomputational notebooks.

Acomputational notebookis a shareable document that combines computer code, plain language descriptions,data, rich visualizations like 3D models, charts, graphs and figures, and interactivecontrols. A notebook, along with an editor like JupyterLab, provides a fast interactiveenvironment for prototyping and explaining code, exploring and visualizing data, and sharingideas with others.

JupyterLab is a sibling to other notebook authoring applications undertheProject Jupyter umbrella, likeJupyter Notebook andJupyter Desktop. JupyterLaboffers a more advanced, feature rich, customizable experience compared toJupyter Notebook.

Try JupyterLab on Binder. JupyterLab follows the JupyterCommunity Guides.

See the sections below (and the top-level links above) for more information about using, extending, and contributing to JupyterLab.