CUDA.jl 5.6 and 5.7: Allocator cache, and asynchronous CUBLAS wrappers
OpenCL.jl 0.10: Now with native Julia kernels
GPUArrays v11: Port to KernelAbstractions.jl
Metal.jl 1.4: Improved random numbers
CUDA.jl 5.5: Maintenance release
CUDA.jl 5.4: Memory management mayhem
oneAPI.jl 1.5: Ponte Vecchio support and oneMKL improvements
CUDA.jl 5.2 and 5.3: Maintenance releases
CUDA.jl 5.1: Unified memory and cooperative groups
CUDA.jl 5.0: Integrated profiler and task synchronization changes
Profiling oneAPI.jl applications with VTune
Metal.jl 0.2: Metal Performance Shaders
oneAPI.jl 1.0: oneMKL, Intel Arc and Julia 1.9
Technical preview: Programming Apple M1 GPUs in Julia with Metal.jl
Paper: Flexible Performant GEMM Kernels on GPUs
CUDA.jl 1.3 - Multi-device programming
CUDAnative.jl 3.0 and CuArrays.jl 2.0
Julia's Dramatic Rise in HPC and Elsewhere ↗
Accelerating Tensor Computations in Julia with the GPU ↗
Julia Computing Brings Support for NVIDIA GPU Computing on Arm Powered Servers ↗
DifferentialEquations.jl v6.9.0 released with automatic Multi-GPU support ↗
An Introduction to GPU Programming in Julia ↗
Next Generation Climate Models leverage Julia and GPUs ↗
New Climate Model to be Built from the Ground Up ↗
Solving Systems of Stochastic PDEs and using GPUs in Julia ↗
High-Performance GPU Computing in the Julia Programming Language ↗