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I got a small problem (i think) that is that as soon as i start it, is only a white screen, i don't know if anyone else has the same issue or something but i've tried extracting the file more than twice, and yet the same issue.

! Ideea: try making the sides of the boxes solid (you take no damage) since the control of the pokeball is agregiously complicated

this is good, are you finished or do you still add stuff? I noticed some just forget to change the released status into in development

is there a way of playing the downloaded version without the window being so small?

when I click on one of the girls and start the game my score counter just drops from one to zero and the game just stops, the background keeps moving just nothing happens

I think I made a mistake with the file upload. The upload has been updated so try downloading again.

i just download it, and i have the same issue.

i would just like to point this out i dont think this is rhythm game, this is more of a bullet hell

Pretty good song choices, and the art is really well made! The game is a bit challenging, especially the single space obstacles, but in general a good time!

Now i know i kinda shitted at the game but if you have the time you can change the game files to unlock all levels with no efford. It just takea time. However the gallery does not have the cumming on girls face and anything unique its just the loop.

how btw?
it's way too hard to do this the normal way

When you download the game it also has a ingame manual to how to change the files and which command does what. Read that manua. What i did was i removed all the incoming obstacles and changed them to netural animation. Look i cant properly explain here but if you read the manual x was a natural s was a natural but with animation and p is to speed up and these was a few more commands that i cant remember like d was a obstacle so i removed that d and made it s. If you still didnt understood it i will try to explain further.

Can you explain how you did that? Mannual is no more in the game files.

ım sorry but this is %100 not worth unlocking all scenes. I cant even do a single one. Having to take no damage to unlock gallery is brutal and you cant even cum on the girls face. Which i did not unlocked any part of the galery someone else said that. Why? Why just why. Either add cum on face on the girls at the gallery or make it a bit more forgiving to unlock gallery. Or both

i finished playing the game and it work fine for me it was hard it begging but not so hard and i love the girls and the music is good ,i like how you can finish at there faces

if there something i don't like that is (i can't put it full screen, when i completed with no damage i can only see the sex in gallery but i can't finish on faces i have to play again)

P.S (there are room for improve like making story like beat banger or add more popular Pokémon like salazzle or delphox)

I can't download it either.

it wont let me download it

screen turns black when i try to increase screen size as it starts so small that some obstacles are unavoidable

Is it just me or do the controls just not work?

Like the controls are super buggy, they kind of respond but its super choppy and just not precise

Like the game. Do you have twitter or anything else? I want to know when get notified if an update comes ou

i click start but nothing happens

Annoying and hard, not worth getting the rewards.

Great game, simple and to the point, the songs are good and the animations are great, nice work.

The game wont even start any solutions

Hmm it crashes as soon as you try to start it?

Although this is a weird type of rhythm game I love it, The graphics have great detail and the music is bumping too, A fun short game with worth while scenes, 8/10 can't wait for more!

boring, has nothing to do with rhythm and the unlockables are annoying to even try to get

Deleted post209 days ago
Deleted182 days ago

needs a fullscreen for pc, an audio slider and gallery for finished playthrough, good concept but very rough in quality

¿update wheen?

Deleted account1 year ago
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