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A member registered Dec 03, 2020

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Ahh this game is really something, and I won't lie with the bonus story I no-longer think Anton is a machiavellian dick head anymore, just a sad puppy going through a midlife crisis. Lololol. It was nice to see what goes on in his head. 

And Emile this guy and his situtaionship issues, at least he has excellent taste in women. 

It was nice to play this game, after such a long time, icl u guys are excellent writers, I hope u take in the feedback sincerely; good, bad and the crazy. And I'll be patiently waiting for ur next release.

RIP I didn't realise that thx for telling me that, I wrote this in a rage and like $15 was a lot for me at the time soooo....

I wrote it like $15 was a lot for me. lolololol

Gonna edit my comment.

OMG you're so kind and knowing that this was released as a school project ... makes sense. Not in a bad way, it just that I get it because I'm gonna be studying computer science next year and I know bits and bobs about the course work process. 

So despite my hatred towards the mini games, like I still do believe that the mini games are ... bad,. But I do appreciate the effort put into it, and if the mini games were a separate entity to themselves and properly worked. They're quite good and enjoyable. 

Like I'm brash with my way of speech, but I geinuenly am speaking from the heart and I don't mean to offend the team in any way. It's just that this game is the combination of my passions, like I love villainess manuhas, I been there since the beginning and I love visual novels and especially romance. And ngl I'm a self proclaimed know it all when it comes to these genre's


SO since I'm the queen of Yapping, and I have all the time in the world so I'm gonna yap some more.

Yeah back to my statement of saying 'I've never played a game like this before', and knowing that you drew inspiration form 'volcano princess' it makes sense why I haven't. I have to ask, although this is a passion project, with a team as somewhat large as u have (13 people), I do think it would be a waste if u can't somewhat make a profit of the game. ( I mean I'm kinda shooting myself in the foot here, because I'm no billionaire and heck who wouldn't want a free game but still). With this in mind what type of player are you looking for. Because by all means this game is and tagged as a  visual novel. Which it is but not. 

I mean the game is a visual novel doesn't play out like a visual novel. I don't mean to be rude but it's so obvious that you guys don't play otome games. I've stalked your profiles (ik I'm insane), NONE OF U HAVE MADE A VISUAL NOVEL PRIOR TO THIS, (I guess expect LemonInk, as you've helped with moth to a match stick {which has it's flaws but is overall an nice game}). but then lowkey it does seem like these accounts are you're professional accounts... (I'm not that insane). But anyways, this is gonna sound similar to my previous rant but with more clarity. 

One there hasn't been a game where the stakes this high, with a canon self-insert player, with a large variety of choices, and pathways to go. Oh aswell as that 1/4 of the games cast (including the Mc's Dad) absolutely hates the Mc. Like despises' her and treats her like dogshit AND THEY'RE NOT TSUNDERE'S.

Visual novels follow a flow diagram, you pick a choice that'll affect the dialogue and that choice might be brought up later on and effect the game. Funnily enough this game has wilddddd variety of choice, and reading your previous comments I get the idea where you guys are coming from. You know what type of villainess are u gonna be, (a smartie pant know it all - aria from Villainess turns the hourglass), (a sweetie pie- shruli from the step-mothers marchen), or a pathetic little slob (rubekia -I'm sorry for the description, like Ik she has trauma but for the point- from how to get my husband on my side). But with this type of game play it would be well odd. I mean I could be begging at one moment and cusisng a bitch out the next (-lololol me irl). Also being that the cast are close to each other and multiple characters will have a response if the Mc is rude to one. E.g siblings, friends etc etc.  And not to forget a sharp blade that awaits her execution. 

Also thinking about this game I have to ask is romance a central part of the plot or is it only a subplot. Because in the ER it seems to be a subplot. With the main aim of the game is for Mc to survive... But then that's not a Otome game

Like this game (when thinking about the minigames) plays like a money sucki- I mean mobile Otome game, e.g. Ikemen series, Tears Of Thermis and Isekai slow life ( don't ask me why I played that game). But story wise those games don't have much options, like they have different choices which only consequence is the dialogue right after and in the cause of Ikemen series there's a point system and depending on what choices you pick will give you two versions of the endings, dramatic or romantic. Both good endings btw.

However this game is different being that Mc has an execution to attend if she doesn't do something to change her ways.

I believe, with this type of game you should slim down the number of choices available or make them more subtle in a way.  

Actually, I think this is important to note to keep in mind. Why I'm saying to slim down the amount of choices. It's because this game is complicated. Our life has a shit ton of choices, but the concequences are slim. Like the Mc from 'our life' aren't getting executed, at worse they're getting scolded by one of the milfs, This game however has pseudo-poltics and life and death situations, where the Mc is trying to gain power/allies. Having this many choices will lead to many many many many many routes and it'll just become a mess. 

That being said there have been games that have done this, e.g. by incorporating a shit ton of choices, in a pseudo politics games. These games are 'Long live the queen' by Hanako Games (haven't played), Palais de Reine (haven't played a wouldn't, because the game has a virus in it) and 'seven kingdoms a princess' problem'. While I haven't played the first two games, so I can't talk much about them I have played the 'seven kingdoms a princess' problems'. This game has a SHIT TON of options, of how a character can react to situations they're in, which affects their personality and the Mc can die, in many ways. It's a beautiful game, and you should give it a try even if it's just the demo. 


That game took 10 years to make. Being that there was only 1 dev. 

Ngl I don't believe that this game is going to be as complex and heavy as 7KPP, but potentially it can be. (edit... maybe I'm overthinking).

It's honestly funny how you guys aren't aware of this. 


On one hand I'm like throw the game out, it's flawed to the core, and too much for any of u guys to handle since none of you guys have made a visual novel and only made small simple games. However the writing is good; tension is there, potentially good characterisation is there, etc  but it's built on a wonky structure and will fall.

However on the other hand I see the potential of what this game can be. (for context I'm bed-rotting playing VN's this summer holiday and so I have all the time in the world to care about this). 


My advice to you, 

  1. is that you guys got to play otome games. If you guys do ignore this but games such as     remnant-of-the-fallen ,daughter-of-a-scoundrelEbon Light by Underbliss - itch.ioitch.io › Games › Visual Novel ›        Free, cinderella phenomenon, Amnesia Memories (especially ukyos route), etc etc. Fuck even play the dumpster fire of which is OZMAFIA. Just play otome games,.

  1. Then make a visual novel. Like get the team together a make a small VN, about fuck all, it can be private or whatever. But you need to get your head around what makes a visual novel a VN, and otome and otome. Don't make it complicated, because when you rush you get into situations like this. But just do it, because this game doesn't feel like you guys play otome games, but rather read a shit ton of villainess manhuas

  1. Then this is the most important step, become a teenage girl. Get into the mentality of an angsty teenage girl. Because that's your audience..... I'm sorry but it is.  If you undertsnad the teenage girl you'll understand the otome genre. 

Lastly start from scratch, think about what game is it. Like think carefully and redo it completely. 


If you were to ask what I would do if I was stuck in your position. 

I would first make a little pet character, who was sent my 'god',  to help guide the Mc  and cuss out the LI's with them. Examples of beings are Jasper from 'seven kingdoms a princess' problem' (in a world where everyone is lying to each other the Mc can 10000% trust Jasper, because although he may think poorly of Mc, he's unaffiliated with the politics on the island and provides support), The maid from Ambition a minute in power (when the Mc was seemingly abandoned by her fiancé to live in a dingy mansion, she was there to provide not only emotional support but is willing to clean up a crime scene for Mc),  and that Orion from Amnesia Memories.(he's the closest example for my spin off the game, but he's like a pixie and he's stuck with Mc too essentially try to remember her past memories so he can leave).

Also from villainess Manhwa's Yona from Beware The Villainess, the maid from Miss not-so sidekick. 

 I think having an support character who the Mc can depend on is great, in making the game seem not so daunting, and lessen the horror side, and bring players satifaction of having someone to be able to vent to, while the player endures the harsh reality Mc's in. Also to give the player an overall plan for what to do, e.g. stash enough money in the safe so they can escape.

Next I would kinda arrange the system to be more simpler, being that there's a prologue of some sort where the character customisation could happen. Like the player could pick whatever the choices they want and that'll trap them into a route. E.g pathetic route, smartie pants route, etc. Which locks the player to a smaller amount of choices, and events which only that type of villainess can access. etc, and the game will continue from there.


Here's me going off another tangent, but with that being said I'm proven that I am the Yaping Queen. Although messy, I do hope you consider my advi- yapping, I mean looking back it's kinda harsh but take what you want out of it. I don't hate you guys and I wish the best for you and the development for this game.


hero's journey- emrys route (love this game and even still remember his name. He hates hates Mc because SPOILERS Mc used to be a wacko psycho before amnesia. But he deep down falls for her after he learns about her amnesia. 

Amnesia memories- that game is a classic, and ngl you really only need to play Kents route. Like him and Mc were having some relationship problems and then Mc got anmesia and fixes everything.

7KPP, a must play. It's confusing at first but first don't play with a guide, that game is made to be replayed to infinity. 

A knights dilemma - I liked how this game although short grapples with politics.

lolololol yeah he's a sweetie pie. I mean when I first played this game I thought oh I'm gonna romance Jarrod it's gonna be enemies to lovers, cause I thought he was gonna be some sort of a himbo... he's not and I was traumatised by his ending. And so with my Jijyle mc I rushed to Emmett, and he was really nice. But he kinda pales compared to the other LI's, because he's simply just a nice guy, with insane flora and fauna  knowledge. 

no wayyyy, my heart was breaking for Lisle's route. But it was so cute when Penelope was squealing when Mc and Lisle first got engaged. 

But nahhh at the ball when it was the final dance, which katytia said that the couples who dance will remain in love forever or smt (it's been 20 days don't attack me) and Mc looks at him and he shakes his head. THE AGONYYYY

Oh yeah I just check rn. Thx for telling me. It's cuz I brought the walkthrough and then realised shit... what if this is a dead project

are u sure because there hasn't been a development log in like a year

Hi is there a demo somewhere

I have immense respect for u. Because the second chance and lady doth protest achievements are ~ painful~. 

You need to name Warden  “Spot", “Lucius", or “Abigail", because the dev did some writing for Ballad of midnight and those are the characters names

AHHHHH This game is absolutely wonderful, I was enthralled wwhile playing it, clinging onto every word. The voice acting is incredible and the art is just to die for. I'm just hanging off my seat just thinking about what happens next. Btw will the full game be free or paid ?

 Yeah I agree with u with the warning, even though it would spoil kinda the whole jist of the game.

Romance is simply a tool for Lillian to get what she wants, however she can't remain emotionless and static, her heart moves, but she can't follow it. 

However unlike Red Embrace, the whole story was mainly about romance between Lillian and the love interests, the whole spy mission was secondary. Also thinking about it.... I can't visualise a reality where Lillian would form a committed relationship with wither LI. As she would have to give up her career, as a seducteress. 

The ending scene where Lillian rejects Emile, WAS SO SADDD. Like this man literally just accepted his loss and went on about his life, and he was so hopeful. 

Also I noticed that u have released a  game, I'm currently downloading it and overall it seems to be right down my lane. Good luck with ur development btw.

I love love love the game sooo much, more than I realise. I took me forever to play this game but I enjoyed it thoroughly. 


dollmaker Kuro x clone 339

Finally putting my art gcse into use.

Lololol it's messy but I like it. Idk I felt so bad for dollmaker Kuro and clone 339. The world was against them, and they went up against the world, they gave their lives for love. The love of shiro and Mc. 

I just find it so sad because they only had such short moments of happiness in hell. They've only know pain and suffering, waking up in a war....I wished they had a proper happy ending, but ngl I understand why they didn't have a happy ending.

Idk I just like dollmaker Kuro out of everyone, because he genuinely cares about Mc from the bottom of his heart, and in a world full of darkness his clinging onto what little hope there is... warmed my heart. 

Nahhh and when I found out that Bad end 6 was actually a bad end cause although they're free, theyr were going to be eaten/destroyed by monsters. NOOOOOOO

So I drew this cause in another lifeee, they would be aliveeee. Any ways my drawing is the canon Cg for good ending 3, where my babies are alive

Also the game's theme song is really really good.

I wish you the best and stay safe during these crazy times

Just wanna add, that what you've created is beautiful, piece of art. By following this passion project you're walking ahead of many others. 

Oh you know what I can't blame you, I'm like the same way. I can't handle criticism. Anyways I enjoyed your work (esp your art style, it's gorgeous) and hoping to see your next work. 

So weird... there's no where to rate the game.

I've just your comment my my you're so cutteee. I just wanted to say that.

Okay I loved playing this game. It's a total mystery and well written. I'm honestly surprised that the game is soo good, but also hidden, like I found this in a collection. Maybe if you add the historical/medival tag you'll find some more popularity.

Despite the obvious general lagginess, needs new sprites (like when Maverick was in his ball attire, and Mc was going off on how polished he looked... but he was still in his stuffy uniform). 

I think adding a skip button would be helpful, as ngl repeating the same dialogue again and again it's a bit boring. And unlike the game 'Ambition; a minute in power', the game doesn't do a gamble on what the result of your choice will be. And it's gonna be hard to see where the difference of choices will have when playing the game.

not to be rude but....I genuinely don't know what the heck's up with the stat system. The book mini game is broken no matter how many books I pickup the stats don't work. The fan mini game is fucked, I hate it, like sometimes these bald white head mfs don't move or take ages to move. The talking mini game is a bit confusing (but actually not that bad reminds me of Tears of Themis)... The fish mini game although I also love Stardew valley but this is a cheap knock off, like make smt original. Although I appreciate the newness of the mini games to the world of VNs. This is like ... trash, like so bad. 

What I mean by appreciating the newness is that, I can't think of a otome VN ,from the top of my head that has these mini games. While writing this I remember of 'your turn to die' and how that game implemented mini games. Where the mini games were suited for the situation. 

This game... I feel like it would be better to get rid of the mini games altogether.

This game is a game of strategy and I assume the stats are going to be used to unlock certain dialogue, and make right choices. This means that players are going to load the game section till they reach the require amount of stats. And with the horrible horrible save and load section is going to be excruciatingly painful, to do that. 

Plus the mini games that the player does in the beginning is useless these stats don't transfer to the game at all. 

And those weird ass breaks in the game where the players can play the mini game. FUCK THAT SHIT. I click on a random baldie and it's the fucking book mini game, where I know despite fuck all the book I collect I will remain a stupid, uncharismatic, sick girl

(btw I appreciate the mini games, like I won't lie they were fun. and well made. Like chibi MC is SOOOOO CUTE.  But I hate them in the main game... sorry... not sorry). Maybe you guys could do a challenge route with the mini games


But then again... idk while typing this out I keep comparing the game to 'seven kingdoms:a princess' problem'. A complex stats based , political otome game. I think the overall blueprints of the game are somewhat similar where the Mc's are thrown into a strange high-stakes world and have to build relationships and skills to survive. Although that game has some huge customisation, with it having a build a Mc section, the game overall is good to take inspiration from. 

Look while playing the game I felt uncertainty with every choice, with some being both a personality choice and a plot choice. I felt like walking on a tight rope, and the reactions from the charaters' were a bit... hmm not helping. I just felt lost, with no way to track my progress with each character and heck a sense of direction.  That made the game unsatisfying to play. 

Although Cassius' horrifying expressions were quite funny.

Also I suppose I don't get 'playing as the og villainess' as like didn't the og villainess get her head chopped off from acting like herself, why on earth would our player choose to act like her. 

Truthfully I think the game is too broad for the demo, the satisfying result of seeing that your choices truly do matter is nowhere in the demo, which is weird being that collectively all your choices should have some sort of a result.

Again while writing this I'm reminded of the masterpiece of what is 'death is the only end for the villainess'. Who's in a similar position to our Mc. But then again her mission is only to survive.  AUDHIOHFEHh.


truthfully I have no idea where this game is going to go. Thinking about it is kinda infuriating. I haven't played a game where the stakes matter but you don't know what happens and you don't see the result of your choices lead to.


maybe that the point though... as you're the mc walking through the world, knowing that you execution is in X amount of days and if you don't change or worse make the wrong move you'll reach that ending sooner.

... idk I can't directly compare this game to any others I played before... maybe  'absolution:the way the lost', Anoldor, in that if you make one choice you'll lose out on another, eg with friendship etc. But these games had a sense of direction. I understand why the sense of being lost is there is in game, I literally typed out my thought process. But ngl 'absolution' is literally a horror game and I felt more scared and worried playing this game than that game and fuckty fucked up shit happened in that game. ( EDIT: looking back I might have been exaggerating, but idk the no sense of direction in the game really got to me).

I think including affection bars would be good for the game just for guidance and a lil notebook to write everything you've collected. E.g. events that you've signed up for and info you know about characters.


Charaters wise hmm in the demo no character stood out. We didn't get to see the whole range of personality nor feel out who they are. Maverick is honestly the best as he's not a total asshole to Mc, especially when she changes. And does speak some sense. 

However I think I can just blame it on the overall shortness of the game, however I do see potential in each character. 

Cassian and his carrot boy Esra need a good slap in the face. However I kinda get why they're acting like such brats as Mc's former self was probs a bitch to them for many many many years and Mc can't absolve herself from her past sins that easily. I mean Maverick's her step bro sooo it would make sense that he'd be more accepting. 

... though seeing how the boys 'might be' LI's in the game is 'interesting', I wonder how they'll fall for our Mc.

Hermes and Isidora are actually a fresh breeze compare to all the other characters in the game. Being that they don't have the same history Mc has with the golden trio. 

Hermes and Mc could have an 'interesting dynamic'. As funnily enough he's also a villain, with similar ideas as our Mc one had.


overall this game has great great potential however the setup of the game is ... shit. Like it's a VN but no skip button and RPG save files. Girl bffr. But the art is amazing. I'm gonna keep an eye on this game, hopefully an extended demo will come out and blow my mind away.

RIP I just rambled, sos if it all really didn't make sense

Oh that makes sense, I guess I have to do some hunting for the secret ending then

btw... any tips for the secret ending, it's really hard to get

waiittt nahhh I just checked the endings guide .....the Mandela effect has hit me.... is there no secret ending  :  O

Thx for conforting me, I was worried if I was a bother.

Anyways bad news. Although I got the letter it opened in safari and therefore the game didn't realise that I read the letter. 


thank you so much for bring peace and joy to my life. Stay healthy and don't forget to look after yourself, you're an amazing writer and I wish nothing but for the joy your writing has brought to me to comeback to you tenfold.

hmm I didn't see any hyperlink or bold text. But I checked out your website... do I need to download the mega link 


waittt just to confirm, so there's no secret ending anymore because although the error didn't come the letter wasn't there in the files.

Yeahhhh.... I downloaded the new version and deleted the last and the glitch is still there TnT

AHHHH, this happens after Yua gives me the letter and also I play on macOS. 


100/10 beautiful game. I absolutely adored it and tbh it's written a bit too well, like the manipulation and the moral greyness of all the characters is honestly.... realistic.

Like the hero's do have a point, that Shlyo is a bit stalkerish, and although I disagree with how they isolate him. 

The LI's do genuinely believe in their cause, and that makes them complex characters.

 My stomach sunk while playing this game as everyone is a red flag, and it seems to me that regardless of the route, the Mc is in trouble.


like I'm scared for the Mc. And I'm not joking, except in sloth's route. He seems good... or so I think.

Absolutely love love love this game. It's well written and complex, it doesn't glorify the mafia, which adds dimension to it. However I do love completing bad endings... idk doing the bad endings first just make the good ending sooooooooo much better. 

So if you could confirm if there's only one bad ending per route, that would bring peace to my life. 

girl I read all ur comment my my you're thirsty and I can't blame u. Just wanted to say that I love ur comments.

Absolutely adored the demo. Not only is the art beautiful the writing is crafty and entertaining.

However it reminded me of a manhua/webtoon called the 'pale horse'. I loved/hated reading that, because it just brought a complexity of emotions, rage, sadness, excitement. 

You did a phenomenal job writing this. I'm very excited for the final outcome.

yeah the ending (where you marry him for love), he becomes too controlling, everything you do is cheating etc etc. He has an affair on you and executes you for adultery. 

You can get an 'good' ending with him if you get with Gisette, and have high stats and high immorality (rec for late game when you get pretty much everyone else's boosts),  and arrange a political marriage and tell him about Gisette. I actually liked that ending a lot. Idk what that says about me lolololol.

lololol lots of questions. 

And yeah I would redo the character build for max persuasion and manipulation. Although inviting Sayra to events is a waste of an invite, expect if it's girls night or the board game night (she'll come) I think it'll boost her opinion of u. Also having max insight is necessary for 'I know Sayra can help herself' option when she's confronting a rude nobleman.

Having Kaytia's legacy as an ambition improves the rebels favour towards you a bit.

I think also having commoners favour helps with the favour. 

I don't think you can ally with the rebels without Sayra telling the truth. But you can avoid a 'bad' end in Revaire, with the widow MC surviving at the end. 

will the game be available for Mac users

I think you messed up with Gisette, for the peace in Revaire ending I would avoid her unless you're playing with at least 75 manipulation.  (and truthfully I wouldn't go this route without it for the legacy ending).

First I greeted Sayra, Ria and Jasper friendly

invited them to eat 

When talking to Ana click Gisette want to talk to u for 5+ manipulation

NEED TO TALK TO ZARAD, CLARMONT, EMMET  AND JARROD (for peace in Revaire ending) (would immediently go to the first introductions don't waste time on hair and makeup)

Save Penelope from Jarrod in the first introductions when talking to Clarmont

rebel secret 1 in kitchen

made Kaytia's legacy my goal

Host a event and invite Sayra 

------week 2 --------

Met Clarmont in the garden

meet Jarrod in the training room

forbidden room (for trial- you need 100% to get rebel respect)

cliffs (rebel secret 2) 

--------week 3-------

Befriended/romanced Jarrod and rejected him, (needs 450 persuasion). 

accept Clarmont's proposal 

Host an event and invite Sayra

-----week 4-----

Say 'I'm sure Imogen is innocent' in the supper after the murder

visit crime scene in first day and examin everything

find alibis for Imogen 

go see the other crime scene and click rummage through everything, and click everything but the water option

(70 manipulation of 50 courage needed to talk to Kade)

He's the murder ordered by the island natives. He used a rosethorn, made the horses disappear, Framed Gisette, (idk the rest off the top of my head)

On the last day Zarad with enough friendship will meet u and tell u about the weapon used and u have to go to the servants quarters to check for it. 

Achieve a perfect trial, by clicking the ace up my sleeve

Go on dates with Clarmont

-----week 5------

go to servants quarters, Mrs White will give u a nod if u have MAX approval with the rebels.

go on dates with Clarmont 

and do the break up scene with him again.

-----week 6-------

Grind poise for the negotiations

----week 7-----

no need to host the ball

follow the wiki's advice on how to bring peace in Revaire, for the legacy ending u need to convince, Gisette, Jarrod and Sayra


the Fanon wiki has it, and personally I found it really really useful. 

I think in one of his bad end, e.g he gets blackmailed or Corval x hesie go to war. He'll get injured maybe his eye?? But ngl I think the eyepatch is probs for aesthetics than anything as Jarrod has one aswell.

okay their ending was quite easy to get late game, especially compared to Avalie's and Jasper's. But overall their ending is one of the better ones

tart with max manipulation and some charm (need for Jarrod's route) 

Romance Gisette fully 

Immoral Mc (A MUST)

Lead Jarrod on, like get his date pick the right choices, visit him week 2, give him a gift. But also get 500 persuasion, so you can reject him but still remain friends. 

Don't forget to complete the rebel's chain.

UPDATE. Got Avalie's route

you need to complete the Grand game quest line, discover her secret and tell her. Also I think you need an ethical MC and convince her to become one of the good guys. on on Facebook
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