


Hi, I'm Joe. I'm a Software Developer from New England.

This site is for my portfolio and where I occassionally write about things I'm learning. Please feel free to check out the projects in myportfolio or checkout some of the articles on myblog.



A social media capstone project completed as part of The Odin Project’s Ruby on Rails curriculum.

  • Programmed all core functionality of a sensible social media site, including friendships, profiles, posts, comments, nested comments, and likes.
  • Streamlined authentication process-- clients can log in with either email or via OAuth.
  • Tested application thoroughly with the testing tool RSpec, including system and unit specs.
  • File storage via AWS S3

Ruby Chess

Conceptualized a fully functional and featured command line chess game using object-oriented concepts such as inheritance and composition.

Ruby Chess
  • Debugged and troubleshot issues with pry-byebug.
  • Arranged for serialization of game objects, allowing for easy in-game saving and loading.

Movie Buddy

Sinatra web app that submits requests to the OMDb API and returns movies based on title and release year parameters.

Movie Buddy
  • Designed Ruby objects to interact with a public database.
  • Arranged for parallel API requests and caching with the Typhoeus gem to improve performance.

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Using Ruby to Translate Roman Numerals to Integers

Using Ruby to Translate Roman Numerals to Integers

Photo by Karl Callwood on UnsplashIntroductionRecently, I have been tryin...

Adding a Users Search to a Rails Facebook Clone.

Adding a Users Search to a Rails Facebook Clone.

Photo by Markus Winkler on UnsplashIntroductionI recently completed the c...

Setting Up OmniAuth Authentication in Development

Setting Up OmniAuth Authentication in Development

Introduction“Who are you?” may be the line sung by Roger Daltrey of The Who...

