// jlwagner.net
Hi, my name is Jeremy Wagner. I'm a tech writer working with Chrome DevRel at Google. I write stuff about web performance and work onweb.dev (and sometimesdeveloper.chrome.com). Here's some stuff I wrote:
- Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
- Optimize Interaction to Next Paint (withPhilip Walton)
- Optimize Long Tasks (withBrendan Kenny)
- Find slow interactions in the field (Google I/O session)
- Manually diagnose slow interactions in the lab
- Optimize input delay
- How large DOM sizes affect interactivity, and what you can do about it
- Don't fight the browser preload scanner
- Introducing the scheduler.yield origin trial
- Time to First Byte (TTFB) (withBarry Pollard)
- Optimize Time to First Byte (TTFB) (withBarry Pollard)
I also wroteResponsible JavaScript forA Book Apart, but the rights were released back to me, and this book is currently not available. A second edition is planned for the future. I alsospeak at various conferences, sometimes Google events.
I'm no longer on (most) socials, so you can find me here: