The goal ofmeps.panel
is to wrap the two-year panel files from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (meps
) Household Component (HC) in an R data package. All variable labels and value labels are included.
For more information about the consolidated MEPS-HC panel files, seethe AHRQ webpages, or the example code from theHHS-AHRQ/MEPS
repo by@e-mitchell
For another attempt of downloading the MEPS data, seetheajdamico/asdfree
repo by@ajdamico
Currently the package includes data from panel 16 (2011-2012), panel 17 (year 2012-2013), and panel 18 (year 2013-2014). The rest of the panel files will be packaged soon.
# install.packages("devtools")devtools::install_github("jjchern/meps.panel")# To uninstall the package, use:# remove.packages("meps.panel")
# Load tibble for better printoutlibrary(tibble)meps.panel::f2013_14#> # A tibble: 16,714 x 3,454#> duid pid dupersid panel yearind saqrds24#> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr>#> 1 40001 101 40001101 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 1 yes#> 2 40001 102 40001102 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 1 yes#> 3 40001 103 40001103 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 0 no#> 4 40001 104 40001104 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 0 no#> 5 40002 101 40002101 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 1 yes#> 6 40004 101 40004101 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 1 yes#> 7 40004 102 40004102 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 1 yes#> 8 40004 103 40004103 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 0 no#> 9 40004 104 40004104 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 0 no#> 10 40004 105 40004105 18 panel 18 1 in both 2013 and 2014 0 no#> # ... with 16,704 more rows, and 3448 more variables: all5rds <fctr>,#> # died <fctr>, inst <fctr>, military <fctr>, entrsrvy <fctr>,#> # leftus <fctr>, other <fctr>, famid1 <fctr>, famid2 <fctr>,#> # famid3 <fctr>, famid4 <fctr>, famid5 <fctr>, famidy1 <fctr>,#> # famidy2 <fctr>, famidyr1 <fctr>, famidyr2 <fctr>, cpsfamy1 <fctr>,#> # cpsfamy2 <fctr>, fcszy1 <fctr>, fcszy2 <fctr>, fcrpy1 <fctr>,#> # fcrpy2 <fctr>, ruletr1 <fctr>, ruletr2 <fctr>, ruletr3 <fctr>,#> # ruletr4 <fctr>, ruletr5 <fctr>, ruletry1 <fctr>, ruletry2 <fctr>,#> # rusize1 <fctr>, rusize2 <fctr>, rusize3 <fctr>, rusize4 <fctr>,#> # rusize5 <fctr>, rusizey1 <fctr>, rusizey2 <fctr>, ruclas1 <fctr>,#> # ruclas2 <fctr>, ruclas3 <fctr>, ruclas4 <fctr>, ruclas5 <fctr>,#> # ruclasy1 <fctr>, ruclasy2 <fctr>, famsze1 <fctr>, famsze2 <fctr>,#> # famsze3 <fctr>, famsze4 <fctr>, famsze5 <fctr>, famszey1 <fctr>,#> # famszey2 <fctr>, fmrsy1 <fctr>, fmrsy2 <fctr>, famsy1 <fctr>,#> # famsy2 <fctr>, famszyr1 <fctr>, famszyr2 <fctr>, famrfpy1 <fctr>,#> # famrfpy2 <fctr>, region1 <fctr>, region2 <fctr>, region3 <fctr>,#> # region4 <fctr>, region5 <fctr>, regiony1 <fctr>, regiony2 <fctr>,#> # refprs1 <fctr>, refprs2 <fctr>, refprs3 <fctr>, refprs4 <fctr>,#> # refprs5 <fctr>, refprsy1 <fctr>, refprsy2 <fctr>, resp1 <fctr>,#> # resp2 <fctr>, resp3 <fctr>, resp4 <fctr>, resp5 <fctr>, respy1 <fctr>,#> # respy2 <fctr>, proxy1 <fctr>, proxy2 <fctr>, proxy3 <fctr>,#> # proxy4 <fctr>, proxy5 <fctr>, proxyy1 <fctr>, proxyy2 <fctr>,#> # intvlang <fctr>, begrfm1 <fctr>, begrfm2 <fctr>, begrfm3 <fctr>,#> # begrfm4 <fctr>, begrfm5 <fctr>, begrfy1 <fctr>, begrfy2 <fctr>,#> # begrfy3 <fctr>, begrfy4 <fctr>, begrfy5 <fctr>, endrfm1 <fctr>,#> # endrfm2 <fctr>, endrfm3 <fctr>, ...