


Jeff Stormer

Hi! I’m Jeff Stormer (He/His pronouns).

I’m a podcaster, marketing consultant, eggnog enthusiast, comic book scholar (seriously, ask about my degree in Comic Books), (Unofficial)Official LARPwright of the Olive Garden restaurant, professional wrestling commentator, and, occasionally, tabletop game designer. Simply put, I like telling stories, and I like writing games that give me the tools to tell cool stories with my friends.

Podcasts, you say?

You can hear my work weekly (or weekly-ish) in a few different places:

  • Party Of One: An actual play RPG podcast focused on two-player roleplaying experiences.
  • All My Fantasy Children: A tabletop character creation, storytelling, and worldbuilding podcast powered by listener prompts.
  • Talking Nog: My once-a-year eggnog podcast. No, wait, where are you g

What's your policy on podcasts, streams, hacks, derivative works, etc.?

Go, do it, make weird and wonderful creative things and get paid for them. Just don't be an asshole and make anything that hurts people.

Where can I learn more about your work?

Head to my website for more info, or support me on Patreon for early access to all the cool stuff I do:

Button: Become a Patron

Optional plug-and-play rules additions for DOMINOES
Modular Roleplaying in the Bronze Age of Comics
Ready-made superhero scenarios, with a Hero, a Villain, and their City.
A game about a superhero, a supervillain, and the city they share.

Anyone Can Wear the Mask: CityScapes

A game about a superhero, a supervillain, and the city they share.
Ready-made superhero scenarios, with a Hero, a Villain, and their City.
Lord of the vampires. Defender of the multiverse.

Games About Pro Wrestling

(Yes, this gets its own category)

A Descended From The Queen Game About People Who Lose (But NOT About Losers)
A Freeform LARP for 2 to 10 players, two folding chairs, and a lucha mask.
An RPG of Marquee Matches and Longtime Rivalries

Smaller RPGs & LARPs

Games that are a little weirder and more experimental.

A tabletop RPG of super-spies and office meetings.
A 2-Player RPG of Fast Cars, Desperate Arguments, and Getting Out Of This Town.
An RPG of Beach Mysteries, based on Lasers & Feelings
A game of being haunted by a vengeful spirit, in the form of the actor from Star Trek.
A Freeform LARP Of Karaoke & Revolution
An RPG for a Party Of One, and the Heroes That Helped Them Along the Way
A two-player RPG of lost relationships and public reunions.

Playbooks, Supplements, & Scenarios

Supplemental materials that require other games, as opposed to games you can play directly "out of the box."

A Tech Pack for Using Google Maps' Recommendations Algorithm in Games
Legacy-style mechanics for OSR and *DREAM-style RPGs.
A Lovecraftesque scenario by Jeff Stormer & Blaine C. Martin of pro wrestling road horror.
A playbook of spies, saboteurs, and the heroes working behind enemy lines.
A playbook about those who lived through the LAST war.
A DW class inspired by Army of Darkness, Hello From the Magic Tavern, and John Carter of Mars. ·Community profile

