Played the second and third disc but I didn't really understand how they're intended to play out. The only way I could figure out to avoid damage on disc 2 was by laying down the whole fight, and on disc 3 that didn't work so I just keep dying. I assume it's just unfinished, but just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
The style and idea are cool though! Do you plan to continue it after the jam?
So good! Combat feels great, each character and boss is unique and well designed, attacks are well telegraphed, art and music are great, difficulty is fair. Only very minor criticisms would be some of the hitboxes are a little big and some attacks lock you into the animation a while, which together can make it a bit frustrating. but overall still a very solid 5/5.
Hey, thanks for playing and the helpful feedback!
The Great Creator is indeed the final boss. I believe the idea was originally for the player to walk up to the computer after defeating him and have the credits roll, but unfortunately some last-minute changes and git problems led to us losing the credits scene and re-using the clock elevator in the starting room as the exit trigger (I'm assuming it didn't break for you somehow). It just takes you straight to the main menu though, so you didn't miss anything there.
The controls are shown in the settings screen and on the Itch page, but showing them in-game like in the starting room before the first boss level would probably be a good idea.
We made some late balance changes to try to prevent the bosses being too hard, but that ended up backfiring a bit because we didn't have time to playtest them properly. Definitely something we want to address in a post-jam release.
And yeah we need to look into optimizing/reworking the Marionette attacks haha. We used an asset to draw the pixellated string attacks and didn't have time to change it after realising the performance issues. Enabling hardware acceleration in your browser might help though, if you hadn't already.
Cool mechanics with the slot machine boss and the roulette, good take on the theme! Art is pretty good, the asset packs work well together, though everything is a bit blurry (I assume unintentionally). Boss is a bit hard, and I seemed to take damage while playing the roulette bonus, so I didn't actually beat it (don't know if there's more after), but it is pretty fun.
Hi Jamie,
I like your tile sets, and they’re very affordable, but the license seems a bit vague to me.
You state we may use the assets in commercial games, but we may not redistribute them, even in modified form? I’m not a lawyer, but you might want to add something like “except as part of a larger work” (though that’s a bit vague too, and maybe too permissive).
Also can you define “NFT” and “metaverse” projects? If a game (hypothetically) were to use “NFT”s for unique items, without using your sprites as part of those NFTs, would that be disallowed? What if it doesn’t use a cryptocurrency (I.e. just storing who owns what items in a distributed way)? Like an MMO could have one-off/limited quantity items, and use a blockchain to track who owns what so they can collaborate with other games to allow items to be used between them.
And the metaverse is even more unclear to me; say a game allows players to have their own spaces (e.g. houses in mmos), visit each other, interact socially, etc., is that disallowed?
I’m not really interested in these technologies, but I’d hate to be caught out by a vaguely worded license if I did end up implementing something like them in the future.