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Only today did I come to find out that the original always had a linux version, only you never bothered to add one.

I wasted so much time trying to find an alternative :(

Export All doesn't work, doesn't open a dialog window.

It's a very good tool.

thank you so much

What's more cool is that it sometimes create human sounds, I actually like it more than sfxr!

I made my first SFXs with Bfxr and many of them made it into my game.

This is probably a silly question, but... Is there a quick way to clear the sound list in the bottom left corner?
I've been creating sounds for months, and at this point I have a lot of items I'd like to get rid of.

Deleted account3 years ago
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idk maybe he had problems with exporting a linux build

why does it export to a weird file that not working ?

when you type the name, make sure you write .wav in the end. This ensures that it is exported as a .wav file

Linux? You've got mac and windows, maybe a mono Linux port? If that's what you programmed it with.

it worked nicely on Wine.

also it does not have an linux version due to the program being built on Adobe AIR, an framework that no longer has linux support sadly.

I didn't even think of wine despite having it installed, thanks for reminding me.

can you use bfxr ofline???

Thanks for having this up! Consider updating the version to 1.5.1 (on the main website available) - I think i updated it last year or something :)

done! thanks for the heads up :)

Now that BFXR cant run because flash it out of date this is very helpful application

Use client or download the executable.

you should create an update for the new Mac OS?

i dont think thats gonna happen

Is there an update for the new Mac OS?

why is not for linux

ye it would be useful  if it had linux support

Deleted post4 years ago
Deleted1 year ago
Deleted post4 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

You can use wine/PlayOnLinux to use it.

this is very cool!

great sfx for pixel games! thanks!

It can't "reverse synths", it can revert to older settings after a change :)·View all by isabelle adena kestrel·Report·Embed

