A: iTerm2 is for macOS only. See the downloads page for which OS versions are supported by each version of the app.
A: Go to Preferences->Profiles->Text and change the "Draw bold text in bold font" and "Draw bold text in bright colors" settings. Try running this command in bash to see the difference between the two behaviors:
printf '\e[0;31mplain\n\e[1;31mbold\n'\'\e[0;91mhighlight\n\e[1;91mbold+highlight\n\e[0m'
A: Make sure you are running the latest version. Disable transparency and blur. Use a solid background color rather than an image. If you are on 3.2 or later, ensure the GPU renderer is enabled and that it can be used per the restrictions described atMetal Renderer.
A: Check that the$TERM
variable is correct.xterm-256color
is recommended.xterm-new
will also work. Make sure you do not have custom key bindings inPreferences > Keys orPreferences > Profiles > Keys for these keys. DisablingPreferences > Profiles > Keys > Allow application keypad mode will prevent your terminal from getting stuck in application keypad mode, which often has the effect of breaking keys that normally work.
A: Preferences, including profiles, are stored in ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist. To modify it, use the "defaults" command. For example, to delete all settings, run:
defaults delete com.googlecode.iterm2
A: iTerm2 lets you to specify two fonts. If you only use English or western european languages, you probably only need to set the font for ASCII characters. For other languages, you need to specify a font that works with your language as the Non-ASCII font. You need to make sure the size (height) of two fonts do not differ greatly, so iTerm2 won't display a mess of mixed glyphs.
A: Go toPreferences > Profiles > Text and change the setting of "Treat ambiguous-width characters as double-width."
A: That key is used by macOS's Dictionary program.
A: Go toPreferences > Profiles tab. Select your profile on the left, and then open the Keyboard tab. At the bottom is a set of buttons that lets you select the behavior of the Option key. For most users,Esc+ will be the best choice.
A: If you hold down modifier keys while making a selection, the behavior changes in various ways:
Additionally, you can affect other mouse-related activities with modifier keys:
A: Press Cmd-I (or View->Edit Current Session...) and enter a new title in the "Name" field. You can set it programmatically (in bash) with:
echo -e "\033];MY_NEW_TITLE\007"
A: Two steps:
A: Select a profile with the up and down arrow keys and press shift-enter.
A: The recommended way is to set your terminal type to xterm-256color inPreferences > Profiles > Terminal > Report Terminal Type. You may also need to put set background=light or set background=dark in your .vimrc.
A: Older mouse reporting protocols didn't work in large terminals. Recent versions of vim (at least 7.4) support the "SGR" protocol, which does not have any practical limits on terminal size. To enable it in vim, add this to your .vimrc:
if has('mouse_sgr') set ttymouse=sgrendif
A: In bash:
echo $'\e]9;Notification Text\007'
A: This is the simple but dumb way:
(require 'mwheel)(require 'mouse)(xterm-mouse-mode t)(mouse-wheel-mode t)(global-set-key [mouse-4] 'next-line)(global-set-key [mouse-5] 'previous-line)
A: The most common cause is that "minimum contrast" (underPreferences > Profiles > Colors) is turned up all the way.
A: Toggle Show Tabs in Fullscreen under the View menu (cmd-shift-T).
A: This is a side-effect of making the window size a multiple of the size of a single character's cell. Turn onPreferences > Advanced > Terminal windows resize smoothly to disable this behavior and that usually fixes the issue.
A:See gnachman's Github iTerm2 project.
A: Right-click on the directory and selectServices > New iTerm2 Tab Here.
A: Turn on theCursor Guide checkbox inPreferences>Profiles>Colors.
A: Turn on theOpen Toolbelt checkbox inPreferences>Profiles>Window.
A: Turn offPreferences>General>Adjust window when changing font size.
A: mosh is not a reliable transport. You have a few options if ssh is driving you nuts:
A: Did you install shell integration on the remote host? It's necessary to know what the hostname and user name are. If that doesn't fix it, you might need to give it a hint about which port or hostname to use. SeeSCP not connecting for more.
A: Next and previous are intentionally inverted to make typical use more convenient. Toggle full screen is not cmd-ctrl-F because all cmd-ctrl shortcuts are reserved because they can be bound to opening a profile. This predates the existence of full screen in macOS.
You can change any shortcut inPrefs > Keys. The actions in question areFind Again Up,Find Again Down, andToggle Fullscreen.
.A: Paste bracketing was incorrectly left turned on. Paste bracketing is a feature that can be enabled by an application (such as vim or emacs) that causes the terminal emulator to put a control sequence before and after the pasted text. This allows a program like a text editor not to auto-indent pasted text, since it might already contain indents. Paste bracketing is turned on or off by a control sequence. If the application crashes or an ssh connection is lost, then paste bracketing will be left turned on. The next time you paste, the application receiving the text does not expect paste bracketing to be on (since it did not enable it) and you get this gibberish. You can disable paste bracketing by resetting the terminal. Select the menu itemSession > Reset. If you installShell Integration on both your computer and the machine you ssh to, then iTerm2 can automatically detect when an ssh connection ends and paste bracketing is stuck "on", and automatically turn it off for you.
A: Turn onPrefs > Keys > Emulate US Keyboard. This change was made because some people were unable to type symbol characters that required a modifier + a key where a digit resides on a US keyboard, so the default was changed to not assume that the top row of keys were numeric.
A: Their drivers have a bug. Turn off the menu itemiTerm2 > Secure Keyboard Entry. Complain to Logitech that their drivers are bad, or buy a mouse from a better brand.
A: If you have problems where doing a reverse search or wrapping a long command causes letters to appear in the wrong place it may be because you have non-printing characters in your PS1. Place them between\[
. More infohere.
A: This is a way of reporting keystrokes which is mostly backwards compatible but enables more combinations of keys and modifiers to be properly reported. For example, it standardizes how option+arrow key works. Neovim has support out of the box.Emacs can be persuaded to work by adding this to your.emacs
the app's window doesn't come to the foreground.A: This is a security feature of macOS when Secure Keyboard Entry is enabled. It prevents an app from stealing keyboard focus while you're entering sensitive text. Disable the menu itemiTerm2 > Secure Keyboard Entry to resolve the issue.