I really like this game, it's a very creative idea for a matching game, and requires a good amount of skill. One suggestion I would have to improve controls is to let you take back a decision while your cursor is still held down, and confirm by letting go, that way if you rotated a different piece by accident, you could correct it. That's just an idea though. Cool game!
Fetishization of a group of people is a way of prejudice that not enough people know about. You can be attracted to different genders, or different types of people, but you cannot think of a group/gender only in a sexual way, because you aren't thinking of them as people at that point, you are thinking of them as your toys to play with. Honestly I can't believe how there are so many people that do this. There aren't that many compared to the amount of normal functioning humans, but you encounter so many different people in a week alone that its probable you will see some. I just can't comprehend how they do these behaviors, because even most homophobic or racist people would know not to do that to anyone. At least I can understand homophobia or racism, because it is passed down from parents most of the time (not saying that it isn't a horrible think, I just understand why it happens). But I don't know how people even do this, as it isn't something that is widely accepted by any group of people. I'm sorry you had to come into contact with this parasite of a human, and hope something similar doesn't happen again.
Just the mental image of your comment and your later reply to it just encapsulates all of my regrets from a few years ago of saying slightly cringe/edgy things. This is a major mood.
Also, just a small suggestion: I really think that subtitles would help this game, because a lot of times I have to turn my volume down because the voices are much quieter than the sounds. It's not anything major, and since you still seem to be working on it a lot, it could definitely be a thing to add in a more finalized version, as it would be easier to do once you are at a point where you feel everything is at more of a standstill. This has huge potential, and by far my favorite fangame that I discovered on my own. :)