Hey klianc,I know it has been a long time, but would you mind if I sent you a download key (again forhttps://itch.io) to a small game that we’re currently making? It would be cool to have your thoughts on it if you’d like to give it a try.
If not that’s fine of course, I know time is quite limited 🙂.
I find using the itch.io app even nicer as it provides a sandbox to have the game run in without the need for Windows to get anxious:
The only thing is that finding games can sometimes be a bit tricky, but using the same url as in the browser works. When the page has fully loaded you see an install button. Use the default option (ZIP) and you can then launch it without any more requests. Updating is also easy there.
I do agree. I’ve checked the changelogs. Thanks for the swift response and all the best in your endeavors.
I’m here from the cross promotion from “Space Rescue: Code Pink” and I didn’t regret it, you’ve done an awesome job (kind of forcing me into joining your Patreon 😜).
And to the ones downvoting above response. Read the changelogs first. Focus matters.
Have a look athttps://whatalegendgame.com/ andhttps://www.patreon.com/magicnuts. The next update should actually be not too far off. Maybe consider joining the Patreon for faster access 💖.
I can only agree with @kittet3 in that I enjoyed the soothing flapping around the little island. I liked the golden glow the bird emitted and my favorite moment was emerging from the hidden path through the caves behind the waterfall.
At first I missed the hitbox of the collectible and thought I needed to press a button but on the next flyover I hit it right in the center. I collected all six messages and enjoyed the snippets, especially the one about the footprints we leave.
Hey Ian, thanks a lot for your comment!
I actually feared this part could be confusing although you were already spot on in pressingEnter
in sync with the “glowworm” sound:To actually catch you need to typecatch
and then wait until the repeating sound effect reaches its peek and then hitEnter
right on that spot.
The timing window around this peek point currently is set at half a second.