I love the trippy style of the game. Music is great, i like the sound when you change area, when music rapidly changing with this portal sound it gives cool disturbing vibes,:) Mechanics are simple but working, in some stage the music start glitching and then stopped playing, but considering strange atmosphere of your game I am not sure if its a bug or the feature here, which is kinda clever :D
Hey;) I tried going through door and the message was that it was closed, you need to meet some conditions.
There wasn't any boss here like you mentioned.
Turrets had message that those vaporized but crawlers had something like "crawler was knocked down" after noone was coming towards me i tried shooting crawlers and i got message you shoot crawler but there wasn't any message that it was knocked down. Maybe i need to shoot many times to vaporize it? But I thought something was wrong, because no crawler was coming or attacking me and I spent some time there.
Hey! Its super cool! I was really having fun with this one:) I think its great twist on the metroidvania jam.
Unfortunately I stuck here( i killed all mobs and turrets):
>go up door
(first opening the door)
It seems to be locked. Maybe it'll open on its own when some condition is met.
>shoot up door
The door opened.
>open up door
It seems to be locked. Maybe it'll open on its own when some condition is met.
Oh and I love this quote <3 :
>jump over plant
Jumped over the toxic plant, accomplishing nothing
Thank you very much my friend ! I am glad you like the game:)
Now I am working on update and your advices about the bosses will be very helpful for me.
When I get with elevator idea it turned out this gave me a lot of problems combining with scenes change when it travel through areas, so it was a lot of pain to make it work. Thanks for pointing it up! I tilt spawn points a little bit in the last day before jam and I see now the spawn point when going up is a bit to high, thanks to you I was able to fix it quickly!
Very interesting idea for metroidvania and i need to point out how good it looks when it comes to graphics. You used very simple sprites but adding lights and post proces you manage to make really good original looking game, which i really appreciate, well done! I wasn't able to get very far, because there wasn't any checkpoints on the way and when i was dying and starting over again and the run went even worse than before I could not make it :D Its natural in this game type that you need to start from the begining, but maybe thare are some ways: respawn at respawn points and if you want to start from beginig hold "R" for example. I also noticed little flags on the way, so maybe you wanted to do checpoints but do not have time for impementing.