There’s a small bug wherein even if you disable the Music Volume, you’ll still hear the BGM play when a cue starts. Only way to avoid hearing it is to go into settings and click one of the options so that it gets replaced by another sound.
EDIT: Also there’s a graphical error when they’re talking and such. Like the first line would have cut graphics and such.
Other than that, definitely love the story. It reminds me of a manga that I’m also following. Same design, story and all.
Great work!
Hello there Wenrexa!
So I’m an indie game developer and not that popular yet… I’m currently working on my second game since I didn’t think that my first one was amazing.
And I know that I can make some awesome stories here and there but the department that I’m not proficient at is art.
So I just wanted to extend my thanks to you for making high quality assets, but also making it so people like me who live in a third world country can afford it.
Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I’ll support you in your future creations!