didn't mean copying the list.
I was talking about something like on youtube where playlist-save just work as a shortcut link to other people's playlist.
just similar to how I can see the bundles I bought on itch.
it would be nice to save other user's collection and just access them quickly.
library page would be the most suitable place.
I'd like to save or subscribe to other user's list
what i would imagine is similar to youtube's playlist saving function,
it'd be accessible from the My Library page
have a nice day, people at itch!
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 3
for object obj_player:Variable <unknown_object>.<unknown variable>(100044, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_player_Alarm_3
Got this error on Windows 10. When entering to the left stairs after corridor-like narrow place
Very eager to play this game after when this will get fixed
About "Straight shooting" is the one of the most -wanted-to-hear feedback I was looking forward. Though the case that I had in my mind was more of a situation that player can quickly snap the right stick or tap a button to use the needle as a melee weapon. Because of this, I wanted to add another layer of control to attack, but it seems to break the simple twin stick movement. I implemented the solutions like you need to fly the needle longer enough to speed up to impale enemies. Yet it made the game less intuitive and less speedy. I think I can still try another adjustment to the mechanic to fix the game as I intended. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm looking for a sound designer.
games that I made:https://yongminpark.itch.io/
gifs of those games at:https://twitter.com/yongminparks
links to your work(itch.io, soundcloud, youtube) will be appreciated
reach me at my Discord:Cult City#2040
Hi, I used your track "Apparition" in my Ludum Dare 43 entry:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/43/bloodcaster-1
Thanks for making amazing soundtracks.