if you want spoilers then move all of the gibberish one key to the left
the puzzle that made me feel the smartest was the one with yjr vsmmpm smf yjr pyjrt od;smf.
my favorite ;smyrtm ;pvsyopm was the C ,sfr pg h;peept,d pm yjr ;ohjyjpidr od;smf ejrtr upi jsf yp ,pbr gst sesu dp yjru djpe i[.
I also liked the puzzle that esd vsmmpm [;id pyjrt od;smf [sty yep r;rvytov npphs;pp.
art I made of this game I made a little over a year ago. and by art I mean I took a screenshot of me playing the game and attempted to make a 1:1 replica of the image I took on a random online pixel art website.
the weird spinny thing with the fire was an arsepain because the first screenshot I took that part was blurry so I had to take the screenshot again but I moved a tiny bit and it looked different because of the moving layers in the background so I had to try and move back and more slightly painful things occured such as having to keep the forklift wheels consistent with what I already made and the page reloading.
tip for each attack
flowers: just be smart
cards: stand so there is a gap between you and your clone. any distance is fine as long as there is a gap. when a card approaches one of them:
if the gap size is 2 long, move up twice quickly.
if the gap size is 4 long, move up twice slowly.
if the gap size is 6 long, move up then down.
lasers: there is always a safe spot.
coins: just move in a really big circle. you don't need to pay that much attention to the hat that the clone throws at you.
actually because why not here's some tips on the next phase too.
5 hat attack: have a gap between you and your clone that is exactly two tiles. move up quickly when the opportunity presents itself. edit: you can actually do it with a gap of any size. two tiles long is just the easiest to visually time.
lasers and cards: the laser attacks are identical to the ones in the previous phase, except the lasers appear simultaneously instead of one by one. quickly find the safe spots. the fourth set of lasers will stay in place and pretty much lock your horizontal movement while another clone does the card attack. it's the same as the normal card attack so you can still just move the same way depending on your location. the only exception is if you and your clone are forced to be right next to each other. in that case, it's impossible to not get hit.
those are the only attacks in the entire phase. good luck