Funny entry! Most enjoybale for me was the bird mymic and also that those little bird heads follow and look at you! The graphics are a bit wonky but they fit together well and also supports the game mood very well. The sound and music was very good and supported the game very well too. The ending scene made me laughing!
Good job to the entire team and well done!
Thanks for playing our game and thanks for your feedback.
Yes, the first meeting and brainstorming for the game idea was indeed funny.
We both liked the wildcard “Mymic” and thought about how it would be to play as the mimic.Then we came up with the idea that it would be funny to play as a “fax machine”…. but since printers are easier to recognize, we took that as our final choice.
Really cool entry, I like it a a lot! Graphics and Audio were both nice.
Slightly improvements for the 3d assets, it looked sometimes a bit weird combination of textures vs plain/gradient colors.
I played on Chrome Web and had no issues. Was able to play through all levels and also had no issues with controls and accessibility.
Well done!
Hello Rakudajin,
thanks for kind words! I always enjoy seeing constructive critics.
I was the artist for Mecha Brawls, how ever this jam the art credits go to Glockenberg. I helped with game design, development, some vfx and some animating. The big part of development goes to Pete while the character was modelled by Nickelodeon.
I agree making 3D games is not so easy and you often get lost focusing on many technical aspects rather than game aspects. For me jams fulfill the purpose of fun and learning which I did this jam and constructive critics definitely help learning and improving so thanks for that! :)
Had some chat with outisim during the gameplay. Well beside the music loop stuck due to html export I didn’t encountered anything. Controls and Accessibility was great for me, had no issues playing the game. The story and puzzles were also noob friendly for noobs like me. Took me a while to finish the game but made it! Overall the presentation is really good, gameplay is smooth, graphics are really nice, audio supports the game well.
Also great to see a bigger team worked together here and you see it on the game.
Well done and good job to all!
This looks already like a finalized product. Well done. Can’t add anything graphics, audio, controls all went smooth for me.
Maybe one improvement regarding your intro and tutorial. Since it is very long and take multiple pages, you could also pop them in 1by1 if player sees the phases for the first time. So would allow Read & Do.
OPEN THE GATE FOR ANOTHER BUILDING - I saw that on the horizon!
The game somehow reminded me on “Pretty best friends” but where is my best friend. :(
Well made intro, story is interesting. For theme I am not sure what is the connection void = end of life? Audio was very well again. Some sfx are too loud/low.
Graphics. Low Poly is what it is. But I think for that sort of game a nice home from an old person needs more.Some character to it. pictures from the past. from the wedding he is talking about. lots of little stuff he collected over life
Gameplay/fun I have to say walking simulators are not my case, so I can’t really rate them.
Controls and accessibility I had no issues. For me it was clear what to do and how to play. So no issues there.
Theme is hard. I am not sure if its connected or not. Def. interesting interpretation I see where its going. But he would have to die to enter the void, wouldn’t he?
Knowing most of you from other jams I know you can do better. As always jams are stressful I know so don’t take that personal. Still good job for your submission and nice team effort there!
Fun: Decent, I don’t enjoy 2D Plattformers at all so I can’t really rate this one.
Orginality: There are many nice 2D Pixelart Plattformers but I liked the juicyness of vfx and sfx. It added alot!
Audio: SFX and Music is really nice. Nice touch in turning low the music if your not in action.
Controls: I struggled to use the dash most. Especially the vertical up or cross dash was hard to use. Maybe some dash into mouse cursor direction would have made it more fluid and controllable.
Graphics: Nice Pixelart.
Theme: Not sure how much it fits into “Void” I would have not understood it in this context.
Accessability: No issues in web or local via app.
Overall: Another great entry to the GWJ! Always nice to see the high level of polish and juicyness you really have a hand for it.
Interesting game. Playing doctor and diagnosing people fits theme well and is interesting way you have executed it.
For me (personally) less fun since I am not a fan of reading. But I like how you have presented the stuff makes it enjoyable still.
The music is really nice, enjoying listening it a lot. Is it uploaded somewhere like Sound Cloud?
For the SFX. Some paper sound for the documents would be better imo. Hovering/click sound for UI “Ask Questions” and “Lab Tests” is missing. The sound for the messages is a bit disturbing. Something more soft or even VA would be cooler.
Regarding Controls and Accessibility I don’t faced any issues. Playing the game was clear to me I clicked around everything had good to go hover and click effects and arrangement was fine. The Option button in menu did not work for me, but also don’t needed any options as well. (Chrome on Windows)
The 2D art is pretty good, I have always huge respect about 2D hand painted styles.
Probably my biggest complain as others mentioned is that there are only two patients.
Well done and great team effort here, keep it up!
Cool game. I made it to the end. I felt like the melee attack was too strong. I was able to just stand still and spam attack to win every fight. The 2D Art looks nice, the sound was good too. I had no issues with controls or accessibility. I feel the theme might be a bit lose even if the story is about it, but it could be every other theme too. I usually like if the mechanic is a bit tight to the theme, but that is my subjective view on it. Good job on this and great team effort!