Hi Emilie!
First of all, thanks! I loved working on SPARED and I got to put my creativity into the design - and it is always great to hear people like it.
Now to your question: The Day Markers are simply that: markers for each day. When I wrote the game and playtested, pulling out random sticks an putting them onto my desk in front of me helped me visualize the days passing and what agony being stranded in a tiny dinghy on the big ocean must be: the more days pass, the more sticks you see in front of you. This helped me journal and move the game along. It also helped me keep track a bit of where I was in the game. Sometimes I get lost journaling even in a game I create.
If you run out of markers and are still alive, you could decide for yourself if this is a good omen or a bad omen. By this point the days have blended into each other and are just indistinguishable. Either way, you have played for quite some time and probably know your character very well at this point in your story. Make a judgement call and either continue playing or bring the journal to a fitting end.
Thank you! I got the idea when I was in a museum in Chengdu, China. There is a massive "mask" that is way too heavy and big for a human to wear and the tour guide asked "who could wear a mask like this" and my mind immediately thought about a god that lost their mask and is now looking for it. You really never know when inspiration strikes, right?
Thanks for the comment! I am aware of this.
Accuracy in proper Japanese was not the main concern of this product as it plays with influences from various cultures, religions and philosophical backgrounds and how they would play out in a world that is disconnected from our current reality. Think of it as if someone that doesn't know proper Japanese (katakana) is trying to write it.
Also, thanks for the advice on how to fix this in layout options if I were to insist on proper Japanese.
When it comes to inspiration for my games, I am always looking at the media that shaped me and had a strong influence on me. souruāmā is created in the same vein. The very obvious inspiration behind souruāmā is Mecha Anime, most notablyNeon Genesis Evangelion. But I was always more interested in the characters and how they deal with the strain and pain of piloting these Mechas.
Another inspiration behind souruāmā that isn't that obvious is one of the first early sci-fi novelFrankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus byMary Shelley. The inspiration here is more subtle and more about the question what we created with the tools we have. this is also the basic question behind another inspiration that comes from jiddish folklore: TheGolem.
Giving souruāmā the visual anime treatment and providing nods to Japanese culture is the final inspiration here. Using Katakana transliteration of English words is intentional and should give you a hint that the world of souruāmā is not necessary a version of Japan. The same goes for the Mask that morph into the Armors for the Souls.
What are your inspirations when you read souruāmā? What vibe do you get from it?
I can see that not having experience with TTRPGs makes it hard to create something with it. I think you shouldcheck out solo games in the physical section here on itch. There are some amazing games in there and many of them free. This could be your first step into TTRPGs to see how this works. Most of them are beginner friendly and guide you through play. It's a great way to gain some experience.
Thanks for your kind words about RISE!
Hey! The idea behind the RISE jam is that you work with the Creator Kit on a game, but if you want to narrow it down to some specific features I would say these are the things that stand out with RISE compared to other Creator Kits or System Reference Documents (SRDs):
I'm not against a game in a different medium, but in general I am looking for TTRPG games.
Here's theTears in Rain monologue from the ending of the originalBlade Runner film. The reason I didn't use this as primary inspiration is, that the premise in the 2nd movie has changed and we see the world through the eyes of a Replicant, which changes the focus.
But either way, this scene and the monologue is one of the great moments of cinema and deserves praise!The Baseline Test scene from the filmBlade Runner 2049 was a huge inspiration for this game. The interesting thing about this scene is, that the Baseline test is based on a technique actors use to create emotional connections with words and phrases calledDropping-In - but the technique is turned on its head. Replicants are not allowed emotions, so they are not supposed to create connections with these words. Absolutely glorious!
5 Star Review!
This Solo PRG is comes with simple rules and some alternative additions you can use. I like the inclusion of a link to a Jazz playlist for anyone new to the genre and I am especially happy with the inclusion of an actual instrument as additional tools to use - but I’m getting ahead of myself.
In Midnight Melodies, you play a Jazz pianist that finds themselve investigating Unauthorized Deaths for the Grim Reaper. Each night, you find a name in your tip jar and you go and investigate how this person died and report to Grim Reaper your findings.
I love this premise for the eerie atmosphere and for the humor in which it is delivered. It allows the player to find the right tone for their game. Speaking of Tones, while investigating you will collect 9 tones that form 3 chords. These are your findings you report to Grim Reaper.
The first chord is composed of a tone representing the victims identity (1st tone), their death scene (2nd tone) and a clue (3rd tone). The second chord explores the mysterious circumstances and uncovers supernatural influences. The third chord focuses on the supernatural foe.
Once you are finished investigating you report to Grim Reaper and play them your 3 chords. This is where you get to play your three chords. I love that this adds a tangible touch to this supernatural story.
I love this setup and how it guides you through an evocative story. The game comes with tables to roll on to and everything you need to make this a supernatural time. As most solo games, journaling down your story is part of the fun, but not necessarily required.
Easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
5 Star Review!
In Breathing Stories you play either as Protector of the Stream or as a Pilgrim trying to cross the stream - but you are only able to communicate with 10 pictograms represented by the numbers on the Uno cards you play with.
I just love the premiss of this game being an immigrant myself struggling with communication - and being a mechanics nerd I live that the game has build in play phases and meta-game phases.
You play the game in 3 rounds - or how I think of it in 3 acts! All communication in character follows the use of the pictographs represented by the numbers on the Uno cards.
The three rounds are the Meeting at the Stream where the Protectors and the Pilgrims meet first, Sharing News from Home where Proctors and Pilgrims start building their shared language, and Communicating your Needs where we get to mold the shared language.
Then it’s time to cross the Stream and see if there are any consequences. I have personally been there and had situations with limited shared language turn out great, but I also had experienced the opposite. What I really would have liked in these situations is a chance to debrief - something this game will give, but sadly reality doesn’t.
Anyway, Babbling Streams is a great game with a wonderful premise and if anything you just read interests you, go ahead and get it now!
Easy 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!
5 Star Review!
Tales from the Cockpit is aLost & Found game about a prototype Mecha! You might think now, cool, I get to pilot a Mecha in this game - not so fast! The game is about the Mecha - not the pilots. And yes, one Mecha - different pilots. Because the pilots perish in this game, but the Mecha stays!
Tales from the Cockpit is designed as a solo game, but I could see this also a fun bonding activity within a group. Play is structured in Acts and you are prompted with questions that shape the story.
It is a very sombre game I could see myself play in cozy café on a day off - but play could also be in sessions throughout the year, since it is easy to pick up from you left of.
I would categorize this as a journaling game, but the game text suggests other options to play and do like the idea of making voice recordings instead of written journal entries.
I really enjoy the juxtaposition between the excitement of Mecha media and the sombre tone of this game. This really brings a unique perspective to the Mecha table!
Easy 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!
Well, I'm biased, but I do love the post apocalyptic theme and survival definitely fits the 3rd Act of RISE.
My own ideas include a Neon Genesis Evangelion or Darling in the Franxx inspired game - or at least somewhere in that ballpark. I'm a sucker for coming of age stories and RISE just fits this character development presented in these anime.
Triforged by DiscoSoup is a lightweight, setting agnostic RPG that comes with its ownHack Pack for you to use and apre-made fantasy setting - Forest of the Moon - to try it our right away. And when I say right away, I mean it. Experienced role-players will pick Triforged up in no time and even novice players will get the hang of it quickly by playing Forest of the Moon.
Triforged uses simple characters with3 Attributes (Mind, Body, Heart) and3 Skills the characters excel in. The resolution mechanic is lightweight and easy to use as well: You pick an attribute you use for an action and roll this against a difficulty level between 0-3 - you basically roll your die (a d8 or a d6) and subtract the difficulty level. Then you check in which range your result falls:
Easy peasy!
But the best part of this game/system comes next: remember the skills? You get to roll d6s equal to your skill number and every roll above the difficulty level earns you aPerk! Perks mean, that in a success, you get to add additional sentences to your simple success statement. This is a beautiful mechanic that is simple, easy to grasp and most of all transfers a game mechanic into an engaging aspect of the action in the game. I really like this on!
Triforges also gives you guidance on NPCs and how to handle them. Again, this is done in a simple way that makes coming up with an NPC super easy for any GM, so you can quickly adjust your game to the action in case your players wander off the path of your story.
Forest of the Moon gives the whole system a footing in a specific setting with various NPC parties within the world and roll tables for anything from encounters, quests, loot or oracles. The different NPC parties are introduces within the lore of the game and you will get examples of NPCs from various difficulty levels.
TheHack Pack on the other hand puts your creator persona into the driver seat. It lays out the individual parts of the game/system for you to add in lore, NPCs and any other idea you might have.
There is also aTriforged - Supers game available on DriveThruRPG which brings modern day super hero comics in the style of Silver Age comic books to your table. Definitely worth a look!
I give this game 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars!